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Robust Industrial Control Systems: Optimal Design Approach for Polynomial Systems
Robust Industrial Control Systems: Optimal Design Approach for Polynomial Systems
Robust Industrial Control Systems: Optimal Design Approach for Polynomial Systems presents a comprehensive introduction to the use of frequency domain and polynomial system design techniques for a range of industrial control and signal processing applications.  The solution of stochastic and robust optimal control problems is...
The Jet Engine
The Jet Engine
This book has been written to provide a simple and self-contained description of the working and underlying principles of the aero gas turbine engine. The use of complex formulae and the language of the specialist have been avoided to allow for a clear and concise presentation of the essential facts. Only such description and formulae, therefore,...
Green Your Home All in One For Dummies
Green Your Home All in One For Dummies
In the grand accounting of the planet, every step you take toward a greener lifestyle makes a difference. Toss your banana peel in a compost pile instead of into a plastic trash bag, and you get to pat yourself on the back. Of course you’re not going to save the planet by taking your own reusable tote bag to the grocery store, but...
GSM Switching, Services, and Protocols
GSM Switching, Services, and Protocols
"...it misses the explanation of why GSM is composed as it is and as a result mostly has value as a reference work." -- IEE Review March, 1999 --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Since the publication of the first edition the number of GSM subscribers has
Industrial Project Management: Planning, Design, and Construction
Industrial Project Management: Planning, Design, and Construction
This book describes, in a precise but practical way, the most recent principles and techniques of project management, at the highest international standards, with a fully company-wide, process-based, multi-project approach.

It is unique because of the integration of project management fundamentals with the practices of international...

Industrial Control Systems: Advances and Applications, First Edition
Industrial Control Systems: Advances and Applications, First Edition
'It is a compilation of the best instrumentation and control techniques used in industry, providing interesting theoretical content as well as practical topics on planning, integration, and application.'
--Plant Engineering, 2003

This is a comprehensive, practical, easy-to-read book on process control, covering some of
Industrial Applications of Lasers, Second Edition
Industrial Applications of Lasers, Second Edition
A practical book with a variety of uses, this book can help applications engineers spark problem-solving techniques through the use of lasers. Industrial Application of Lasers, Second Edition takes the reader through laser fundamentals, unusual properties of laser light, types of practical lasers available, and commonly used...
GenXpat: The Young Professional's Guide To Making A Successful Life Abroad
GenXpat: The Young Professional's Guide To Making A Successful Life Abroad
"The first book to deal specifically with the 'GenXpat' generation - the 25-39 age group that typically sets off for the expatriate life when career is their primary consideration. This is my kind of book - it's informative, practical, and you get a real sense that the author knows what she is talking about." Ian Burns of Blackwell's...
Ionosphere and Applied Aspects of Radio Communication and Radar
Ionosphere and Applied Aspects of Radio Communication and Radar
This book describes the main aspects of radio propagation due to different natural and manmade phenomena occurring in ionospheric plasma. It discusses the possibility of stable radio communication links based on local scattering at field-elongated plasma inhomogeneities including natural inhomogeneities as well as artificial inhomogeneities. The...
Advanced Lingo for Games
Advanced Lingo for Games
Finally there is a games book for Director developers! Up until now, Lingo programmers have had to figure it out themselves while Java and C programmers have had dozens of games books to choose from. With Advanced Lingo for Games, the new book by Gary Rosenzweig, Lingo programmers can learn from an expert game developer who has created hundreds of...
Fundamental Aspects of Electrometallurgy
Fundamental Aspects of Electrometallurgy
"[...]a very interesting book[...]a very important contribution to the understanding of electrometallurgical processes, which up to now was only available by trawling through the literature. For anyone interested in electrometallurgy, especially researchers, this is an essential book for any personal library."
(Derek Fray,
Darwin's Lost World: The Hidden History of Animal Life
Darwin's Lost World: The Hidden History of Animal Life
Some 150 years ago, in 1859, Charles Darwin was greatly puzzled by a seeming absence of animal fossils in rocks older than the Cambrian period. He drew attention to a veritable Lost World that was later found to have spanned more than eighty per cent of Earth history. This book tells the story of his lost world, and of the quest to rescue its...
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