![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic DebuggingWhy Programs Fail, winner of the Jolt Productivity Award, has been freshly updated to bring readers up-to-speed on all the new methodologies that will help save them, their companies, and consumers a lot of headaches. Find out about bugs in computer programs, how to find them, how to reproduce them, and how to fix them in such a way that they do... | ![](https://www.pdfchm.net/pic/empty.gif) | ![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) | ![](https://www.pdfchm.net/pic/empty.gif) | ![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) Practical Liferay: Java based Portal Applications DevelopmentLiferay is a popular open source framework that you can use to create attractive web portals. A web portal can consist of a wide variety of applications such as blogs, document management apps, wikis, discussion forums, and shared calendars. Liferay lets you offer these kinds of features on your portal by providing a runtime environment for hosting... |