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How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS4: The art of design and animation
How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS4: The art of design and animation
Need to solve problems quickly to develop creative projects to time and to budget? Want to hone your Flash skills so you can concentrate on your animation? ThenHow to Cheat in Flash is for you! Chris Georgenes shows how to work from the problem to the solution - from the viewpoint of an animator who has been commissioned...
Integrated Graphic and Computer Modelling
Integrated Graphic and Computer Modelling
Computer languages and computer graphics have become the primary modes of human-computer interaction. This book provides a basic introduction to "Real and Virtual Environment" computer modelling. Graphics models are used to illustrate both the way computer languages are processed and also used to create computer models of graphic...
Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
This book equips the student with essential intellectual tools that are needed from the very beginning of university studies in computing. These consist of abilities and skills - to pass from a concrete problem to an abstract representation, reason with the abstract structure coherently and usefully, and return with booty to the specific situation....
Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic Debugging
Why Programs Fail, Second Edition: A Guide to Systematic Debugging

Why Programs Fail, winner of the Jolt Productivity Award, has been freshly updated to bring readers up-to-speed on all the new methodologies that will help save them, their companies, and consumers a lot of headaches. Find out about bugs in computer programs, how to find them, how to reproduce them, and how to fix them in such a way that they do...

The Physics of Football: Discover the Science of Bone-Crunching Hits, Soaring Field Goals, and Awe-Inspiring Passes
The Physics of Football: Discover the Science of Bone-Crunching Hits, Soaring Field Goals, and Awe-Inspiring Passes
"Whether your primary interest is popular science or pro football, you will enjoy FOOTBALL PHYSICS." (Bill Belichick, head coach, New England Patriots )

"Football Physics is great fun. It taught me more about football than 50 years of watching the game." (Robert K. Adair, Ph.D., author of Physics of Baseball )...
Practical Liferay: Java based Portal Applications Development
Practical Liferay: Java based Portal Applications Development
Liferay is a popular open source framework that you can use to create attractive web portals. A web portal can consist of a wide variety of applications such as blogs, document management apps, wikis, discussion forums, and shared calendars. Liferay lets you offer these kinds of features on your portal by providing a runtime environment for hosting...
Computer Fraud Casebook: The Bytes that Bite
Computer Fraud Casebook: The Bytes that Bite
In 1995, computer fraud took down England's oldest bank. In 1996, Omega Engineering Company lost over $10 million to one disgruntled employee's computer fraud. In 2001, two Cisco Systems employees stole $8 million in computer stock option refunds through computer fraud. And technology experts and professional crime fighters predict that computer...
Demonstrating Science with Soap Films
Demonstrating Science with Soap Films
Many of us have been fascinated as children by soap bubbles and soap films. Scientists and mathematicians have been interested in the properties of bubbles and films throughout scientific history.

In Demonstrating Science with Soap Films David Lovett describes how the properties of soap films and bubbles can illustrate and elucidate a
101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers: How to Keep Your Customers and Attract New Ones
101 Ways to Really Satisfy Your Customers: How to Keep Your Customers and Attract New Ones
"Full of practical tips to improve customer service and maintain a level of excellence." -- Greater Hartford Business Times

"Griffiths offers pragmatic advice and straightforward strategies for pleasing customers." -- Customer Relationship Management

Quantum Leap: From Dirac and Feynman, Across the Universe, to Human Body and Mind
Quantum Leap: From Dirac and Feynman, Across the Universe, to Human Body and Mind
This is a unique 21st-century monograph that reveals a basic, yet deep understanding of the universe, as well as the human mind and body all from the perspective of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.

This book starts with both non-mathematical and mathematical preliminaries. It presents the basics of both non-relativistic and...

Twitter API: Up and Running: Learn How to Build Applications with the Twitter API
Twitter API: Up and Running: Learn How to Build Applications with the Twitter API
This groundbreaking book provides you with the skills and resources necessary to build web applications for Twitter. Perfect for new and casual programmers intrigued by the world of microblogging, Twitter API: Up and Running carefully explains how each part of Twitter's API works, with detailed examples that show you how to assemble those...
Photovoltaics And Architecture
Photovoltaics And Architecture
'An invaluable primer for any architect or client considering integrated photovoltaics.' - Architecture Today

'Comprehensive and authoritative.' - RIBA Journal

'It is tempting to suggest that a copy of this excellent book should be sent to George W Bush!' -
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