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Introducing Ubuntu: Desktop Linux
Introducing Ubuntu: Desktop Linux
Completely free and highly robust, Ubuntu has the power to bring the Linux desktop to the masses. Introducing Ubuntu: Desktop Linux is your key to learning this new, userfriendly, and free alternative to Windows. Think of it as a personal tutorial, a one-on-one class with an expert user of Ubuntu. It begins by helping you choose the right Ubuntu...
Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences)
Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences)
This volume consists of Lecture Notes based on lectures delivered at the Advanced School on "Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels" held at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) in Udine, Italy, in the period September 11-15, 2006. The course was presented by 6 lecturers, 2 from Europe, 3...
Schaum's Outline of Mathematica, 2ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of Mathematica, 2ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Master Mathematica with Schaum's, the high-performance study guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams and projects!

Students love Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these...

A Guide to the Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge (WEBOK)
A Guide to the Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge (WEBOK)
The ultimate reference book for professionals in the wireless industry

The information presented in this book reflects the evolution of wireless technologies, their impact on the profession, and the industry's commonly accepted best practices. Organized into seven main areas of expertise, A Guide to the Wireless...

The Geek Atlas: 128 Places Where Science and Technology Come Alive
The Geek Atlas: 128 Places Where Science and Technology Come Alive
The history of science is all around us, if you know where to look. With this unique traveler's guide, you'll learn about 128 destinations around the world where discoveries in science, mathematics, or technology occurred or is happening now. Travel to Munich to see the world's largest science museum, watch Foucault's pendulum swinging in Paris,...
Photoshop For Right-Brainers: The Art of Photomanipulation
Photoshop For Right-Brainers: The Art of Photomanipulation
Learn how to tap into the creative part of your brain to create amazing digital art in Photoshop CS4. This exciting, full-color guide is designed especially for artists and photographers who want to harness the thrilling potential of the new release of Photoshop. Youll go beyond cookie-cutter techniques and discover unique ideas for creative...
Computer Game Developer (Weird Careers in Science)
Computer Game Developer (Weird Careers in Science)
Explore the training needed to become a computer game developer, a lucrative and exciting career. Also gives readers a chance to examine how computer games are created - from an idea to a finished product. Ages 12+

WICKED2 TWINS HAVE INVADED the island home of Crash Bandicoot, revealing their plans to enslave Crash and hisfriends and
Self-Defense Nerve Centers and Pressure Points for Karate, Jujitsu and Atemi-Waza
Self-Defense Nerve Centers and Pressure Points for Karate, Jujitsu and Atemi-Waza
A modern definition of self-defense is in order. One way of defining self-defense is to explain what it is not. Personal self-defense is not warfare; it is not vengeance; it is not an art; it is not a sporting event; it is not a movie or television fight scene.

Self-defense is preparation to minimize the possibility of assault. It is
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating Your Own CDs (2nd Edition)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating Your Own CDs (2nd Edition)
CD-ROM "burners" are a standard feature on many new PCs. This title provides expert advice on creating CD-ROMs in an easy to comprehend language. Topics covered include: CD burning troubleshooting, copyright and format issues. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Second Edition
Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Second Edition
Seven years passed since the publication of the first edition of our book. It is rewarding that the favorable reception of and interest in hydrocarbon chemistry called for a second edition. All chapters were updated (generally considering literature through 2001) by adding sections on recent developments to review new advances and results. Two new...
Principles of Lasers
Principles of Lasers

This new Fourth Edition of Principles of Lasers is so thoroughly updated and expanded that it is virtually a whole new book. But the text’s essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications. Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical...

U.S. Battleships: An Illustrated Design History
U.S. Battleships: An Illustrated Design History
For more than half a century, the battleship was the primary instrument of sea power and was, therefore, the fundamental strategic weapon of such navies as those of the United States and Great Britain. It excited the kind of high-level interest that today is as sociated with strategic missiles; in 1904 and again in 1908 the president of the United...
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