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Wireless Broadband: Conflict and Convergence (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
Wireless Broadband: Conflict and Convergence (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
"This is as comprehensive a book on wireless broadband as I have seen. The authors address the most important issues facing the players in the wireless ecosystem in great detail and provide a very thoughtful analysis."

—Steve Elfman, President, Sprint Nextel

"An insightful book that takes a...

Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
As a market-leading, free, open-source Linux operating system (OS), Fedora 10 is implemented in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and serves as an excellent OS for those who want more frequent updates. Bestselling author Christopher Negus offers an ideal companion resource for both new and advanced Linux users. He presents clear, thorough instructions so...
Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs
Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs
A thoroughly up-to-date resource on IEEE 802 wireless standards

Readers can turn to this book for complete coverage of the current and emerging IEEE 802 wireless standards/drafts, including:

  • 802.11 Wireless LANs
  • 802.15.1 Bluetooth and 801.15.2
  • ...
Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language
Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language
How has design changed through the use of computers? Is it still valid to assume that a designer is in control of a design concept? What if there is a lack of predictability over what was intended by the designer and what came out on the computer’s screen? Is computer programming necessary in design today?

This book is about
Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution
Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution
The internet has the potential to increase the number of cross-border disputes between a wide range of different users. For many internet disputes, the use of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) becomes critical. ODR uses information technology (such as expert systems) and internet communication applications (such as webforms or web filing platforms)...
Scientology is arguably the most persistently controversial of all contemporary New Religious Movements. The Church of Scientology has been involved in battles over tax issues, a ten-year conflict with the Food and Drug Administration, extended turmoil with a number of European governments, and has even been subjected to FBI raids in Washington,...
Why Evolution Is True
Why Evolution Is True
For all the discussion in the media about creationism and 'Intelligent Design', virtually nothing has been said about the evidence in question - the evidence for evolution by natural selection. Yet, as this succinct and important book shows, that evidence is vast, varied, and magnificent, and drawn from many disparate fields of science. The very...
Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets
Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets
If you’re one of the millions of users joining Twitter to connect to friends, family, and interest groups; or to follow the conversation and find out what’s happening beyond your doorstep, then this full color, 288 page book is for you. Coverage on how to establish a Twitter account, tweet from mobile devices, search for people and...
The Fall of the Roman Empire: Film and History
The Fall of the Roman Empire: Film and History
For over a century, epic cinema has significantly shaped popular interest in Roman history and culture. The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), the last of the silver-screen epics about ancient Rome before Gladiator, stands out as the only epic that attempted, and largely succeeded, to show the greatness of Roman civilization rather...
Professional PHP6 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional PHP6 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional PHP6 was written for PHP developers who are interested in expanding and leveraging their development skills by taking advantage of the features of the sixth major release. This demographic is not set in stone, of course, because experienced .NET and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) developers should catch on quickly, too. However,...
Philanthropy in a Flat World: Inspiration Through Globalization (The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series)
Philanthropy in a Flat World: Inspiration Through Globalization (The AFP/Wiley Fund Development Series)
According to Thomas Friedman, our world is now flat—with lowered trade and political barriers and unimagined technical advances that have made it possible to do business, or almost anything else, instantaneously with billions of other people across the planet—but what does that mean for your nonprofit organization, whether it's new or...
The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing
The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing
"...shows how to position your business front and centre when prospects are searching online for solutions you can provide." (Globe and Mail, April 2009)

To be successful in business you must be able to attract the right clients and persuade them to buy. However, on the internet, people only see what the search
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