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ARCO Master the GRE 2009 (with CD)
ARCO Master the GRE 2009 (with CD)
The General Graduate Record Exam (GRE), or GRE General Test, is the primary standardized test for admission to graduate-level academic programs in the United States. The exam is designed and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the same company that produces the SAT. Since 2002, the GRE has been administered by computer only...
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination With Light
Light Years and Time Travel: An Exploration of Mankind's Enduring Fascination With Light
According to Einstein, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Of all the mind-bending theories in modern physics, that, at least, seemed a rule the universe–let alone mankind–could never break.

But in 1994 Professor Gunter Nimtz sent a recording of Mozart’s 40th Symphony through a physical barrier at four times...

How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)
How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)

Whether it’s at home or at work, so much of our lives involves negotiating to get what we want. From negotiating a higher salary, to lowering costs from suppliers, to hammering out a new contract with a major customer, or even deciding where to go on vacation, the only way to consistently arrive at successful conclusions is to master the...

Matrix and Tensor Calculus: With Applications to Mechanics, Elasticity and Aeronautics
Matrix and Tensor Calculus: With Applications to Mechanics, Elasticity and Aeronautics
This volume is based on a series of lectures on matrix calculus and tensor calculus, and their applications, given under the sponsorship of the Engineering, Science, and Management War Training (ESMWT) program, from August 1942 to March 1943. The group taking the course included a considerable number of outstanding research engineers and directors...
Low Temperatures And Cold Molecules
Low Temperatures And Cold Molecules
New, unexpected and largely unexplored physical phenomena occur in systems cooled to very low temperatures. The background temperature in the universe is approximately 2.7 K, but much lower temperatures have now been obtained in the laboratory. This book reviews the progress in a number of related fields in which the common themes are low...
Lineman and Cablemans Field Manual, Second Edition
Lineman and Cablemans Field Manual, Second Edition
A Compact, On-the-Job Reference for Linemen and Cablemen

Fully updated with the latest NEC and OSHA standards, this one-stop portable guide contains the crucial electrical data, formulas, calculations, and safety information essential at any jobsite. The Lineman's and Cableman's Field Manual, Second Edition,...

Property Management Kit For Dummies (Book & CD)
Property Management Kit For Dummies (Book & CD)
Thinking about becoming a landlord? Property Management Kit For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you proven strategies for establishing and maintaining rental properties, be they single family or multi-resident. You'll see how to prepare and promote your properties, select tenants, handle repairs, avoid costly mistakes and legal...
Practical Microwave Synthesis for Organic Chemists: Strategies, Instruments, and Protocols
Practical Microwave Synthesis for Organic Chemists: Strategies, Instruments, and Protocols
"I read this book with pleasure.... I am sure that this excellent guide will become the standard reference work in the field and clearly is a 'must have' for anybody getting started with microwave-assisted organic chemistry." (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, April 2009)

With the novice user in mind,
Personality Disorders in Modern Life
Personality Disorders in Modern Life
A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon

"Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is ‘all of a piece’; up close, each is a bewildering complexity of moods, cognitions, and motives."
–Theodore Millon

Practical Navigation for the Modern Boat Owner (Wiley Nautical)
Practical Navigation for the Modern Boat Owner (Wiley Nautical)
The methods of navigation used by the modern boat owner have changed quite rapidly from the traditional methods still currently taught. This doesn’t make the old methods wrong; it just means that the emphasis has changed.

With GPS used in many cars, the level of computer skills of the general public being high, and the
Visual Basic .NET Design Patterns
Visual Basic .NET Design Patterns
Experience gives programmers a variety of wisdom. As programmers gain experience, they may recognize new problems as being similar to problems they have solved before. With even more experience, they recognize that solutions for similar problems follow recurring patterns. By being aware of these patterns, experienced programmers recognize...
Mastering Oracle8i
Mastering Oracle8i
We want information… information...” Possibly you recognize these words as the primary interest of a somewhat clandestine group, and as told by a character called Number 2 to Patrick McGoohan’s character Number 6 (in the old TV show The Prisoner). Indeed, in this day, information is king, and the speedy, accurate, and reliable...
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