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Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology
Throughout their entire history as a people, African Americans have created themselves. They did so in the context of the transatlantic slave trade and two-and-a-half centuries of chattel slavery—a structure of overwhelming inequality and brutality characterized by the sale of human beings and routine rapes and executions. They constructed...
Informal Philosophy
Informal Philosophy
From around the turn of the twentieth century, the founders of symbolic logic had a profound effect on subsequent philosophical practice. They saw the combination of logic and science as a model that philosophy should emulate. Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) described it as a “scientific philosophy, grounded in mathematical logic.”...
Unknowability: An Inquiry Into the Limits of Knowledge
Unknowability: An Inquiry Into the Limits of Knowledge
The realities of man’s cognitive situation are such that our knowledge of the world’s ways is bound to be imperfect. Nonetheless, the theory of unknowability—agnoseology as some have called it—is a rather underdeveloped branch of knowledge. And it seems destined to remain so since most of us would prefer to “accentuate...
Peace-Building by, between, and beyond Muslims and Evangelical Christians
Peace-Building by, between, and beyond Muslims and Evangelical Christians
When Evangelical Christian and Muslim scholars meet to dialogue, to explore the interface between their perspectives, and to deepen the shared understandings, common resources, and relationships, they discover that they have much to talk about.

There is much that is shared in common. Both take their Scriptures seriously. Both care deeply
Data and Safety Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials (Chapman & Hall/Crc Biostatistics)
Data and Safety Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials (Chapman & Hall/Crc Biostatistics)
In the world of drug development, clinical issues and statistical issues cannot be separated. All are scientific and all use applied logic. However, safety monitoring in pharmaceutical industry clinical trials through data monitoring committees (DMCs) is both an art and a science, requiring the use of sound judgment as well as sound scientific...
Managing Online Forums: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards
Managing Online Forums: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards
Every day, millions of users log on to their favorite online forums and inter­act with others to get advice and discuss everything from the latest news and trends to their hobbies to their professions to whatever else strikes their fancy. Admin­istrators have to lead these communities, deal with difficult users, and choose moderators. Legal...
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Master the increasingly complex feature set of the latest release of Microsoft SQL Server with the information in Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming. Review the new features of SQL Server that will be of interest to you as an experienced developer and move on to more detailed, practical code examples. Learn how to write...
Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition
Based on the best-selling first edition, Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition is the leading guide for every type of reader who wants to learn Ruby from the ground up.

The new edition of this book provides the same excellent introduction to Ruby as the first edition plus updates for the newest version of Ruby,...

JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications (Java Series)
JavaFX: Developing Rich Internet Applications (Java Series)
It is not often that you get the chance to witness (let alone participate in!) the birth of a truly disruptive technology. We are now at a juncture where information is pervasive—there is a convergence that will allow us to seamlessly move from one information source to another as we conduct our daily lives. Whether we are operating our smart...
Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Google SketchUp is the exciting free software package that makes 3D available to everybody. Whether you need to build 3D models for work, or you’ve just always wanted to explore 3D modeling, Google SketchUp was made for you. Still, it does take a bit of understanding to get started, so turn to Google SketchUp 7 For Dummies.


Professional SQL Server 2005 Performance Tuning (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional SQL Server 2005 Performance Tuning (Programmer to Programmer)

Professional SQL Server 2005 Performance Tuning

Written by a team of expert SQL users, this comprehensive resource approaches performance tuning from a new perspective by showing you a methodical scientific approach to diagnose performance problems. In addition, the authors demonstrate how to make use of the key...

How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read
How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read
"It may well be that too many books are published, but by good fortune, not all must be read.... A survivor's guide to life in the chattering classes...evidently much in need." --New York Times

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