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Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice (Signals and Communication Technology)
Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice (Signals and Communication Technology)
Imaging for Forensics and Security: From Theory to Practice provides a detailed analysis of new imaging and pattern recognition techniques for the understanding and deployment of biometrics and forensic techniques as practical solutions to increase security. It contains a collection of the recent advances in the technology ranging from...
XML Retrieval (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)
XML Retrieval (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)
Documents usually have a content and a structure. The content refers to the text of the document, whereas the structure refers to how a document is logically organized. An increasingly common way to encode the structure is through the use of a mark-up language. Nowadays, the most widely used mark-up language for representing structure is the...
Mathematics of Shape Description: A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics
Mathematics of Shape Description: A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer Graphics
Image processing problems are often not well defined because real images are contaminated with noise and other uncertain factors. In Mathematics of Shape Description, the authors take a mathematical approach to address these problems using the morphological and set-theoretic approach to image processing and computer graphics by presenting...
Ruby on Rails Bible
Ruby on Rails Bible
Thanks to the explosive growth in popularity of the Rails framework, the equally popular Ruby programming language now has a great place to hang its hat. The powerful combination of the two provides the perfect toolset to create Web applications that feature concise code, clean syntax, and easy maintenance. This must-have book is your best guide on...
iWork 09 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
iWork 09 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Dress up office documents the Apple way with iWork '09 and this friendly guide

If you're a Mac lover and want to explore life outside of that "other productivity suite," here's your chance to dress up your docs with Apple's iWork '09 and this easy-to-follow guide from Mac technology expert, Jesse Feiler. He draws...

Yahoo! Web Analytics: Tracking, Reporting, and Analyzing for Data-Driven Insights
Yahoo! Web Analytics: Tracking, Reporting, and Analyzing for Data-Driven Insights
Yahoo! Web Analytics teaches readers how to collect data, report on that data, and derive useful insights using Yahoo!’s free Web analytics tool . This detailed resource from Yahoo!’s Director of Data Insights discusses the why of Web analytics as well as the how while revealing secrets and tricks not documented elsewhere. The...
WordPress 2.7 Cookbook
WordPress 2.7 Cookbook
About 120,000 blogs are created every day. Most of them quickly die, but a few stay, grow up, and then become well known and respected places on the Web. If you are seriously interested in being in the top league, you will need to learn all the tricks of the trade. WordPress 2.7 Cookbook focuses on providing solutions to common WordPress problems,...

LightTPD is a secure, flexible, and most importantly, light web server designed and optimized for high performance environments. It is open-source and licensed under the revised BSD license. Its event-driven architecture optimized for a large number of parallel connections, its advanced features (FastCGI, CGI, Auth, Output Compression, URL...

Scratch 1.4: Beginner's Guide
Scratch 1.4: Beginner's Guide

If you have the imaginative power to design complex multimedia projects but can't adapt to programming languages, then Scratch 1.4: Beginner's Guide is the book for you. Imagine how good you'll feel when you drag-and-drop your way to interactive games, stories, graphic artwork, computer animations, and much more using Scratch even...

MySQL Administrator's Bible (Bible (Wiley))
MySQL Administrator's Bible (Bible (Wiley))
With special focus on the next major release of MySQL, this resource provides a solid framework for anyone new to MySQL or transitioning from another database platform, as well as experience MySQL administrators. The high-profile author duo provides essential coverage of the fundamentals of MySQL database management—including MySQL’s...
Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible
Master the latest version of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the step-by-step instructions and hands-on advice in Fedora 9 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible. Learn key system administration skills like setting users and automating system tasks, understand the latest security issues and threats, and gain confidence with using and...
Stealing the Network: The Complete Series Collector's Edition, Final Chapter, and DVD
Stealing the Network: The Complete Series Collector's Edition, Final Chapter, and DVD

"Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box is a unique book in the fiction department. It combines stories that are fictional, with technology that is real. While none of the stories have happened, there is no reason why they could not. You could argue it provides a road map for criminal hackers, but I say it does something else: it...

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