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Decomposition Methods for Differential Equations: Theory and Applications
Decomposition Methods for Differential Equations: Theory and Applications
Decomposition Methods for Differential Equations: Theory and Applications describes the analysis of numerical methods for evolution equations based on temporal and spatial decomposition methods. It covers real-life problems, the underlying decomposition and discretization, the stability and consistency analysis of the decomposition...
Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications
Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications

CI Techniques & Algorithms for a Variety of Medical Imaging Situations

Documents recent advances and stimulates further research

A compilation of the latest trends in the field, Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications explores how intelligent...

The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA®: A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear Algebra
The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA®: A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear Algebra
"It's a good book... a book that most students can benefit from."
MAA Reviews

The unique feature of this compact student's introduction is that it presents concepts in an order that closely follows a standard mathematics curriculum, rather than structure the book along features of the software. As a result,
Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
The existence and distribution of the chemical elements and their isotopes is a consequence of nuclear processes that have taken place in the past in the Big Bang and subsequently in stars and in the interstellar medium (ISM) where they are still ongoing. These processes are studied theoretically, experimentally and observationally. Theories of...
Networks for Learning and Knowledge Creation in Biotechnology
Networks for Learning and Knowledge Creation in Biotechnology
Scientists in the biotechnology sector have developed a vast array of products and procedures, including drugs, diagnostics, agricultural products and veterinary procedures. This is made possible through various intra- and inter-organizational collaborations between the academic and private sectors, and through the establishment of networks for...
The Design of Climate Policy (CESifo Seminar Series)
The Design of Climate Policy (CESifo Seminar Series)
Debates over post-Kyoto Protocol climate change policy often take note of two issues: the feasibility and desirability of international cooperation on climate change policies, given the failure of the United States to ratify Kyoto and the very limited involvement of developing countries, and the optimal timing of climate policies. In this book...
The Power of Strategic Commitment: Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Total Alignment and Engagement
The Power of Strategic Commitment: Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Total Alignment and Engagement

Not just a slogan on the T-shirts you give out at the company picnic, commitment is a crucial strategic advantage in any organization. But it’s as elusive to achieve as it is easy to covet. Real commitment transcends simple compliance, where employees follow the rules and get their work done, and translates to the...

Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief
Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief

“I raised my own freethinking sons not that long ago, and I had little choice but to do it without much practical support. This book is the best, most comprehensive com­pendium of secular parenting strategies and tips I can imagine. It shows how, without the aid of any supernatural overseer, you can raise kids who...

Do Good Design: How Designers Can Change the World
Do Good Design: How Designers Can Change the World
How did design help choose a president?

Why are people buying houses they cannot afford?

Why do U.S. car makers now struggle to compete? Why do we really have an environmental crisis?

Design matters. Like never before.

Disarming the weapons of mass deception....
Solid Waste Analysis and Minimization: A Systems Approach: The Systems Approach
Solid Waste Analysis and Minimization: A Systems Approach: The Systems Approach

Implement successful solid waste analysis and minimization strategies

Provide sustainable solutions to solid waste issues with help from this hands-on guide. Solid Waste Analysis and Minimization: A Systems Approach offers up-to-date technical details on current and potential solid waste minimization practices....

The Benchmarking Book: A how-to guide to best practice for managers and practitioners
The Benchmarking Book: A how-to guide to best practice for managers and practitioners
With growing demands for increased operational efficiency and process improvement in organizations of all sizes, more and more companies are turning to benchmarking as a means of setting goals and measuring performance against the products, services and practices of other organizations that are recognized as leaders.

The Benchmarking...

Django 1.0 Website Development
Django 1.0 Website Development

Django is a high-level Python web framework that was developed by a fast-moving online-news operation to meet the stringent twin challenges of newsroom deadlines and the needs of web developers. It is designed to promote rapid development and clean, pragmatic design and lets you build high-performing, elegant web applications rapidly. Django...

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