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An Introduction to Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution: Time and Space (Ecological Methods and Concepts)
An Introduction to Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution: Time and Space (Ecological Methods and Concepts)
Students often find it difficult to grasp fundamental ecological and evolutionary concepts because of their inherently mathematical nature. Likewise, the application of ecological and evolutionary theory often requires a high degree of mathematical competence.

This book is a first step to addressing these difficulties, providing a broad...

Practical Risk Management
Practical Risk Management
In early 1995 people were glued to their television sets watching the aftermath of a very large earthquake in the city of Kobe in western Japan. Little did they suspect the deep-seated implications of this event on the financial markets in general, and on the Bank of England in particular. The earthquake caused a major sell-off in the already...
Corporate Resiliency: Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption
Corporate Resiliency: Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption
Corporate Resiliency: Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption is written for members of boards of directors and audit committees, senior executives, those who advise or report to them, and those responsible for managing fraud and corruption risks. It describes in plain English terms a proactive fraud and corruption risk...
JUNOS Enterprise Switching
JUNOS Enterprise Switching
Charles Darwin once said, “I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural Selection.” This principle of evolution applies to business as well as to nature. Individuals, companies, and industries evolve and compete with one another in preparation for the future.
CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide, Fourth Edition (Certification Press)
CompTIA Network+ Certification Study Guide, Fourth Edition (Certification Press)
If you are new to certifications, we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that a computer industry certification is one of the most valuable credentials you can earn. It sets you apart from the crowd and marks you as a valuable asset to your employer. You will gain the respect of your peers, and certification can have a...
Build Your Own Electric Vehicle
Build Your Own Electric Vehicle
Go Green-Go Electric! Faster, Cheaper, More Reliable While Saving Energy and the Environment

This new, updated edition of Build Your Own Electric Vehicle contains everything that made the first edition so popular while adding all the technological advances and new parts that are readily available on the market...

Locksmith and Security Professionals' Exam Study Guide
Locksmith and Security Professionals' Exam Study Guide
Get the Solid Preparation Needed to Pass Your Security Certification Exam on the First Try

Filled with career-building instruction and guidance, Locksmith and Security Professionals' Exam Study Guide is a hands-on learning tool that will help you pass a wide variety of...

Best Jobs for the 21st Century
Best Jobs for the 21st Century
We kept this introduction short to encourage you to actually read it. For this reason, we don’t provide many details on the technical issues involved in creating the job lists or descriptions. Instead, we give you short explanations to help you understand and use the information the book provides for career exploration or planning. We think...
Managing knowledge in the construction industry (Spon Research)
Managing knowledge in the construction industry (Spon Research)
Knowledge management presents a new way of understanding organizations and companies, and is especially suited to sophisticated and highly technical firms and operations such as those in the construction industry.

This new book draws on hard data from three separate research programs in Sweden and shows how the concept of knowledge can
Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment (Spon Research)
Buildings and infrastructure represent principal assets of any national economy as well as prime sources of environmental degradation. Making them more sustainable represents a key challenge for the construction, planning and design industries and governments at all levels; and the rapid urbanisation of the 21st century has turned this...
Credit and Community: Working-Class Debt in the UK since 1880
Credit and Community: Working-Class Debt in the UK since 1880
Credit's centrality to the current economic crisis makes the publication of Sean O'Connell's social history of working-class credit consumption particularly timely. Although the credit crunch came too late to be included in this book, the portrait of a complex relationship between lenders and borrowers over the past 120 years should be required...
Possibility offers a new analysis of the metaphysical concepts of possibility and necessity, one that does not rely on any sort of "possible worlds." The analysis proceeds from an account of the notion of a physical object and from the positing of properties and relations. It is motivated by considerations about how we actually speak of...
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