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Fast Reliable Algorithms for Matrices with Structure (Advances in Design and Control)
Fast Reliable Algorithms for Matrices with Structure (Advances in Design and Control)
This book is the first to pay special attention to the combined issues of speed and numerical reliability in algorithm development. These two requirements have often been regarded as competitive, so much so that the design of fast and numerically reliable algorithms for large-scale structured systems of linear equations, in many cases, remains a...
Software Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Premier Refence Source)
Software Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Premier Refence Source)
Numerous technological advancements have overwhelmingly redesigned and improved countless aspects of computer software applications, creating tools and functions that greatly benefit its users.

Software Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications contains an impressive collection of over 300 authoritative...

Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
The expanding possibilities and promising current and future potential that lies within the advancing field of database technologies encompasses many aspects of life as its beneficial features and innovative functions are seen impacting society at countless diverse angles.

Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and...

Control of Color Imaging Systems: Analysis and Design
Control of Color Imaging Systems: Analysis and Design
A Complete One-Stop Resource


While digital color is now the technology of choice for printers, the knowledge required to address the quality and productivity issues of these devices is scattered across several technologies, as is its supporting literature.


Bringing together information from...

The Mathematics of Combustion (Frontiers in Applied Mathematics)
The Mathematics of Combustion (Frontiers in Applied Mathematics)
This book delves into the rapidly changing area of combustion, in which asymptotic methods and bifurcation theory have made a significant impact as have the constant-density, small-heat-release models and other important contributions.

This is the second volume in the SIAM series Frontiers in Applied Mathematics. This continuing series
Recreations in the Theory of Numbers
Recreations in the Theory of Numbers
WHILE the author was a student, an enthusiastic mathematics professor recommended to the class a book entitled Mathematical Recreations and Essays, by W. W. R. Ball. The students dutifully made a note of the title and most of them no doubt promptly forgot about it. Many years later when the book was mentioned to several of the author's own classes,...
Negotiation Games (Routledge Advances in Game Theory, 002.)
Negotiation Games (Routledge Advances in Game Theory, 002.)
If you are looking for a wide ranging application of game theory, with many applications to political science, then you will find that this book is well worth the read. - Managerial and Decision Economics

Steven J. Brams is one of the leading game theorists of his generation. This new edition includes
Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
‘I found Laub's book a delightful read. It has become the sixth valuable ‘Matrix Analysis’ book on my shelves. As well as being admirably suited for the course at which it is aimed, its conciseness and clarity of presentation, together with the good index, make it easy to use for reference. The book is recommended both as a course...
Mathematical Recreations
Mathematical Recreations
IN October, 1941, I was invited to give a course of lectures at the New School for Social Research in New York City on the general topic, "Mathematical Recreations." On these lectures this book is based.

It may also be regarded as a revised edition of my similar work, published in French, entitled, "La Mathematique des
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Programming
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Programming

Welcome to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Programming. This is a book about doing software development with Microsoft’s latest development studio—Visual Studio 2008. All code samples in the book were built with either Visual Studio 2008 Professional or Visual Studio Team System 2008....

Mathematical Puzzling
Mathematical Puzzling
Many of those who read this book will be interested in the puzzles and investigations for their own sake. Everyone will, I trust, find some things that are new - perhaps even refreshing, And I hope that those who teach mathematics win find the collection especially useful. The problems will challenge and stimulate able youngsters in a way which...
Industrial Mathematics: A Course in Solving Real-World Problems
Industrial Mathematics: A Course in Solving Real-World Problems
'This is REAL. It has a different spirit. It gives students the distinct feeling that they could go into industry and actually work on problems like those in this book. The standard teaching of 'here is the mathematics, use it to solve this problem' has been replaced with 'here is a problem, use mathematics to solve it.' This book refreshes the...
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