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MCSA/MCSE 2003 JumpStart
MCSA/MCSE 2003 JumpStart

This unique book provides aspiring Microsoft professionals with a solid foundation in computer, networking, and operating systems fundamentals before embarking on a comprehensive MCSA or MCSE study program.

MCSA/MCSE 2003 JumpStart: Computer and Network Basics gives you the solid grounding you need to approach...

Word Hacks : Tips & Tools for Taming Your Text
Word Hacks : Tips & Tools for Taming Your Text

Few software applications are as ubiquitous as Microsoft Word, which has been around for more than 20 years—practically an eternity in computer time. Even as competitors, such as OpenOffice.org, emerge from the open source community, their success relies heavily on how much they look and act like Word. When most people...

Building Secure Servers with Linux
Building Secure Servers with Linux
Linux consistently turns up high in the list of popular Internet servers, whether it's for the Web, anonymous FTP, or general services like DNS and routing mail. But security is uppermost on the mind of anyone providing such a service. Any server experiences casual probe attempts dozens of time a day, and serious break-in attempts with some...
PCI Express System Architecture
PCI Express System Architecture

PCI Express is the third-generation Peripheral Component Inter-connect technology for a wide range of systems and peripheral devices. Incorporating recent advances in high-speed, point-to-point interconnects, PCI Express provides significantly higher performance, reliability, and enhanced capabilities—at a lower...

Ethics In Public Relations: A Guide To Best Practice
Ethics In Public Relations: A Guide To Best Practice

Ethical questions and dilemmas are inherent to public relations, and ensuring that practitioners operate ethically is fundamental to the professionalism and credibility of the field. Ethics in Public Relation gives readers the tools and knowledge to enable them to make defensible decisions, and outlines the important ethical concerns in...


Welcome to Eclipse, today's premiere Java™ Integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse is an extraordinary tool, and it fills a long-standing need among Java developers—no longer do you have to suffer through pages of errors scrolling off the screen while using command-line Java compilers. Now you've got an...

Interprocess Communications in Linux®: The Nooks & Crannies
Interprocess Communications in Linux®: The Nooks & Crannies

The topic of interprocess communication techniques is broad, challenging and dynamic. All but the most basic operating systems provide methods for processes communication. Early on, UNIX supported a number of rudimentary process communication constructs (such as lock files, signals and pipes). In the early 1980s, facilities such...

Building Applications and Components with Visual Basic .NET
Building Applications and Components with Visual Basic .NET

Building Applications and Components with Visual Basic .NET is the Visual Basic developer's guide to the .NET framework and object-oriented programming.

The authors introduce the basic architecture of the .NET Framework and explore Visual Basic .NET's new OOP...

Core JavaServer Faces (Sun Microsystems Press Java Series)
Core JavaServer Faces (Sun Microsystems Press Java Series)

JavaServer Faces promises to bring rapid user-interface development to server-side Java. It allows developers to painlessly write server-side applications without worrying about the complexities of dealing with browsers and Web servers. It also automates low-level, boring details like control flow and moving code between web...

Apache Cookbook
Apache Cookbook

The Apache web server is a remarkable piece of software. The basic package distributed by the Apache Software Foundation is quite complete and very powerful, and a lot of effort has gone into keeping it from suffering software bloat. One facet of the package makes it especially remarkable: it includes extensibility by design. In...

Building High Availability Windows Server(TM) 2003 Solutions (Microsoft Windows Server System)
Building High Availability Windows Server(TM) 2003 Solutions (Microsoft Windows Server System)

This is the definitive resource for every network administrator, consultant, and architect who needs to maximize availability, scalability, and performance in Windows server environments.

Drawing on two decades of Windows server experience, Jeffrey Shapiro and Marcin Policht have written the most...

Find the Bug : A Book of Incorrect Programs
Find the Bug : A Book of Incorrect Programs

Bug hunting is an art, and you need to be a master. Get Find the Bug, and you'll become one. Long-time Microsoft programmer Adam Barr presents 50 programs, each with exactly one bug. Your assignment: ...

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