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The Artful Universe Expanded
The Artful Universe Expanded
Our love of art, writes John Barrow, is the end product of millions of years of evolution. How we react to a beautiful painting or symphony draws upon instincts laid down long before humans existed. Now, in this enhanced edition of the highly popular The Artful Universe, Barrow further explores the close ties between our aesthetic appreciation and...
Technological Turf Wars: A Case Study of the Computer Antivirus Industry
Technological Turf Wars: A Case Study of the Computer Antivirus Industry
Computer security is a technical and social problem. It is just as much about social relationships as it is about computers as tools. Internet security professionals are as concerned with how people use information as they are with how machines manipulate and process that information. This book is a case study of how the knowledge systems...
Cyber Racism: White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil Rights (Pespectives on a Multiracial America Series)
Cyber Racism: White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil Rights (Pespectives on a Multiracial America Series)
I have spent almost ten years doing the research for, thinking about, and finally writing this book. In the pages that follow, I emphasize the importance of understanding standpoint when critically evaluating information on the Internet, so it seems only fitting that I should say something about my own relation to the text.

This book
Digital Communication over Fading Channels: A Unified Approach to Performance Analysis
Digital Communication over Fading Channels: A Unified Approach to Performance Analysis
Regardless of the branch of science or engineering, theoreticians have always been enamored with the notion of expressing their results in the form of closed-form expressions. Quite often, the elegance of the closed-form solution is overshadowed by the complexity of its form and the difficulty in evaluating it numerically. In such instances, one...
Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified : DDS and Fractional-N PLLs (Demystified)
Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified : DDS and Fractional-N PLLs (Demystified)
“a comprehensive overview of both DDS architectures and fractional-N frequency synthesizers.” Microwave Journal said this book “is aimed specifically at practical designers and utilizes many intuitive explanations and design examples.” Microwaves & RF magazine

"Bar-Giora Goldberg should
Great Web Typography
Great Web Typography
"I’m betting you’ll be as glad as I am to have this on your shelf!"
–Nick Bradbury, creator of HomeSite and TopStyle

When it comes to great Web sites, looks really ARE everything…

When you design a page for print, you control the size of the paper and the placement of the elements. But...

Digital Signal Processing: Laboratory Experiments Using C and the TMS320C31 DSK
Digital Signal Processing: Laboratory Experiments Using C and the TMS320C31 DSK
"A practical guide to using the TMS320C31 DSP Starter Kit

With applications and demand for high-performing digital signal processors expanding rapidly, it is becoming increasingly important for today's students and practicing engineers to master real-time digital signal processing (DSP) techniques.

Digital Signal Processing:...

The Book of VMware: The Complete Guide to VMware Workstation
The Book of VMware: The Complete Guide to VMware Workstation

There's only so much you can do by multitasking applications. Frequently, you just need another computer for testing software, trying out network configurations, or doing any of a dozen things that engineers and administrators need to do. VMware allows you to run several virtual machines on one physical computer, each completely...

The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Interactive Web Pages
The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition: A Practical Guide to Interactive Web Pages
The Book of JavaScript teaches readers how to add interactivity, animation, and other tricks to their web sites with JavaScript. Rather than provide a series of cut-and-paste scripts, thau! takes the reader through a series of real world JavaScript code with an emphasis on understanding. Each chapter focuses on a few important JavaScript...
MEMS: Introduction and Fundamentals (Mechanical Engineering)
MEMS: Introduction and Fundamentals (Mechanical Engineering)
As our knowledge of MEMS continues to grow, so does The MEMS Handbook. The field has changed so much that this Second Edition is now available in three volumes. Individually, each volume provides focused, authoritative treatment of specific areas of interest. Together, they comprise the most comprehensive collection of MEMS knowledge available,...
Hip: The History (P.S.)
Hip: The History (P.S.)

Hip: The History is the story of how American pop culture has evolved throughout the twentieth century to its current position as world cultural touchstone. How did hip become such an obsession? From sex and music to fashion and commerce, John Leland tracks the arc of ideas as they move from subterranean Bohemia to Madison Avenue and...

Advances in Mobile Robotics: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies
Advances in Mobile Robotics: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies
This book provides state-of-the-art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the area of mobile robotics and associated support technologies. It contains peer-reviewed articles presented at the CLAWAR 2008 conference. Robots are no longer confined to industrial manufacturing environments; rather, a great deal of interest is...
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