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Data Quality and High-Dimensional Data Analysis: Proceedings of the DASFAA 2008 Workshops
Data Quality and High-Dimensional Data Analysis: Proceedings of the DASFAA 2008 Workshops
The First International Workshop on Data Quality in Collaborative Information Systems was held in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 19-22nd March, 2008, in New Delhi, India. The present volume contains the texts for four accepted papers and two invited papers presented at the workshop,...
The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment (New Perspectives on the Modern Corporation Series)
The Modern Firm, Corporate Governance and Investment (New Perspectives on the Modern Corporation Series)
This book explores the revolutionary development of the theory of the firm over the past 35 years. Despite rapid progress in the field, new developments in the microeconomic and industrial organization literature have been relatively scant. This book attempts to redress the balance by providing a comprehensive overview of the theory of the firm...
Under the Sink: Selected Works
Under the Sink: Selected Works
Debut novella and short story collection by upcoming author, d.a. peters. With a knack for the vernacular and a biting wit, his debut has been likened to Darrell Spencer, John Updike, and Chuck Palahniuk. In the eponymous novella, four clerks share their experiences working at a grocery: from alcohol stashed behind the counter, drug addiction, and...
Time Management: Proven Techniques for Making Every Minute Count
Time Management: Proven Techniques for Making Every Minute Count
An exact-phrase search for “time management” yields nearly 7 million results on Google and more than 9 million hits on Alta-Vista search engines. A search for “time management” in Amazon books returns more than 65,000 results. There are thousands of time management workshops and seminars.

Clearly, time and the
Things I Will Never Tell You
Things I Will Never Tell You
This book is my world (cerebral based mindset) so understand it is the opposite of your world (physical based mindset) or you will not last very long, psychologically speaking. If you want to live in your world of fear, write a book and I will use the pages to wrap my fi sh heads in. I am pleased with my thoughts and my words and I will never...
The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business
The Power of Impossible Thinking: Transform the Business of Your Life and the Life of Your Business

50,000 copies sold, now in paperback... If you can think impossible thoughts, then you can do impossible things!!

  • The power of change: create new thinking for new solutions!
  • Includes a new introduction demonstrating the "power of impossible thinking," plus access to exclusive book...
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Or The After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Or The After-Death Experiences on the Bardo Plane
"Dr. Evans-Wentz, who literally sat at the feet of a Tibetan lama for years in order to acquire his wisdom...not only displays a deeply sympathetic interest in those esoteric doctrines so characteristic of the genius of the East, but likewise possesses the rare faculty of making them more or less intelligible to the layman."--Anthropology...
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology

Advance Praise For The Singularity is Near

"Ray Kurzweil is the best person I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence. His intriguing new book envisions a future in which information technologies have advanced so far and fast that they enable humanity to transcend its biological

Subconscious Demons and Conscious Delights
Subconscious Demons and Conscious Delights
A man had an accident seven months ago.He lost his sense of time and his perception was drastically altered.He will write his story. History will judge it.This is his fifth attempt to communicate how he perceives the world since the accident.

About the Author

I had an accident and lost my sense
Schaum's Outline of Feedback and Control Systems
Schaum's Outline of Feedback and Control Systems
An outline-guide to feedback and control systems covering such areas as differential equations, stability, block diagram algebra and transfer functions of systems.

Master feedback and control systems with Schaum's­­the high-performance study guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and
SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition (also Covers Rush Hour Expansion)
SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition (also Covers Rush Hour Expansion)
SimCity just keeps getting bigger and better, doesn’t it? Fortunately, so does this book, with a brand-new section dedicated to the copious new features introduced in Rush Hour.

The first seven parts of this book are for all SimCity players, illustrating the basics and delving in deep to enable anyone to become an expert Mayor.
Principles of Measurement Systems
Principles of Measurement Systems
Measurement is an essential activity in every branch of technology and science. We  need to know the speed of a car, the temperature of our working environment, the  flow rate of liquid in a pipe, the amount of oxygen dissolved in river water. It is important,  therefore, that the study of measurement forms part of engineering and...
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