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Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition)
Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition)
WE FEEL PRETTY FORTUNATE. During the past three decades, we have traveled the world teaching programmers what we know. Between the two of us, we have led hundreds of classes and taught thousands of professional programmers. We enjoy working with the people who are inventing the future, andwehave been fortunate enough to have been at the cutting...
Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud
Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud

If you're involved in planning IT infrastructure as a network or system architect, system administrator, or developer, this book will help you adapt your skills to work with these highly scalable, highly redundant infrastructure services.

While analysts hotly debate the advantages and risks of cloud
Securing PHP Web Applications
Securing PHP Web Applications
If you’re reading this, we know two things about you: First, you write PHP applications that run online. Second, you’re not a hard-core security guru. In fact, you’re probably holding this book right now because other security books left you with more questions than you started with, or because this is the first time you’ve...
Evaluating Project Decisions: Case Studies in Software Engineering
Evaluating Project Decisions: Case Studies in Software Engineering
Effective decisions are crucial to the success of any software project, but to make better decisions you need a better decision-making process. In Evaluating Project Decisions, leading project management experts introduce an innovative decision model that helps you tailor your decision-making...
PROC SQL by Example: Using SQL within SAS
PROC SQL by Example: Using SQL within SAS
SAS defines Structured Query Language (SQL) as “a standardized, widely used language that retrieves data from and updates data in tables and the views that are based on those tables” (see Base SAS 9.2 Procedures Guide: Procedures: The SQL Procedure: Overview). SQL is not an exclusive feature of SAS; it has been implemented by many...
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is now an established technique for delivering better software faster. TDD is based on a simple idea: Write tests for your code before you write the code itself. However, this "simple" idea takes skill and judgment to do well. Now there's a practical guide to TDD that takes you beyond...

Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide to Threads
Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide to Threads

Multithreading is supported under Windows NT and Windows 95 and later through the Win32 API, but coverage of this important topic has been sporadic and incomplete until now. In Multithreading Applications in Win32, with just enough theory and lots of sample code, Jim Beveridge and Bob Wiener show developers when, where, and how to use...

The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book
The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book
This is a highly personal book, perhaps too much so. I can't help it. I could no more write a dry technical manual than I could dance the Swan Lake Ballet. I have strong opinions, likes and dislikes. They are bound to find their way into these pages. If at times this book sounds like the drunk bellowing at the end of the bar, it was written, after...
Essential Silverlight 3
Essential Silverlight 3

Microsoft Silverlight is a leading cross-platform, Rich Internet Application (RIA) technology that allows you to create more compelling and interactive Web experiences than are possible with simple HTML browser pages. Silverlight 3 includes significant improvements over previous versions, including...

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 on Demand
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 on Demand

Welcome to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 On Demand, a visual quick reference book that shows you how to work efficiently with Lightroom 2. This book provides complete coverage of basic to advanced Lightroom skills.

How This Book Works

You don’t have to read this book in any particular order. We’ve designed

Mac OS X Snow Leopard In Depth
Mac OS X Snow Leopard In Depth
You don’t have to see too many of those ubiquitous “Mac versus PC” ads to get the basic idea: Macs are intuitive, easy to use, and they just work. That’s all true, certainly, but it misses something important about the Mac, and particularly about Mac OS X, the Mac operating system: easy is not the same as simple. Easy means...
Microsoft Windows 7 In Depth
Microsoft Windows 7 In Depth
Thank you for purchasing or considering the purchase of Windows 7 In Depth. It’s amazing the changes that 20-odd years can bring to a computer product such as Windows. When we wrote our first Windows book back in the mid-1980s, our publisher didn’t even think the book would sell well enough to print more than 5,000 copies. Microsoft...
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