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Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions
Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions
Want to learn how to create great user experiences on today's Web? In this book, UI experts Bill Scott and Theresa Neil present more than 75 design patterns for building web interfaces that provide rich interaction. Distilled from the authors' years of experience at Sabre, Yahoo!, and Netflix, these best practices are grouped into six...
David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual
If you're ready to jump into digital photography or would like to increase the skills you already have, David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual is just what you need. Bestselling author David Pogue provides a no-nonsense guide to the entire process, including how to: buy and use a digital camera; get the same photographic...
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete: Theory and Applications
Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete: Theory and Applications
This new book on the fracture mechanics of concrete focuses on the latest developments in computational theories, and how to apply those theories to solve real engineering problems. Zihai Shi uses his extensive research experience to present detailed examination of multiple-crack analysis and mixed-mode fracture.

Compared with other
Collider: The Search for the World's Smallest Particles
Collider: The Search for the World's Smallest Particles
"Paul Halpern is a gifted writer who brings science and scientists alive. This is a wonderful introduction to the world of high-energy physics, where gigantic machines and tiny particles meet."
”Kenneth Ford, retired director of the American Institute of Physics and author of The Quantum World: Quantum Physics for Everyone
Chips, Clones, and Living Beyond 100: How Far Will the Biosciences Take Us?
Chips, Clones, and Living Beyond 100: How Far Will the Biosciences Take Us?
"A stimulating and exciting look at how we got to the present state of health care and where we can potentially go. A unique perspective and a great read." David Lester, Ph.D., President, ITHW Inc.; formerly Director, Human Health Technologies, Pfizer Inc. "The explosion of new knowledge in the biosciences will raise important...
Challenging Problems in Geometry
Challenging Problems in Geometry
Stimulating collection of unusual problems dealing with congruence and parallelism, the Pythagorean theorem, circles, area relationships, Ptolemy and the cyclic quadrilateral, collinearity and concurrency and many other topics. Arranged in order of difficulty. Detailed solutions.

The challenge of well-posed problems transcends national
The Twitter Book
The Twitter Book
"Media organizations should take note of Twitter's power to quickly reach their target consumers." --Tim O'Reilly (@timoreilly), in a Los Angeles Times interview, March 2009

This practical guide will teach you everything you need to know to quickly become a Twitter power user. It includes information on the latest third party...

Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection)
Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics (The Frontiers Collection)

"Scientists other than quantum physicists often fail to comprehend the enormity of the conceptual change wrought by quantum theory in our basic conception of the nature of matter," writes Henry Stapp. Stapp is a leading quantum physicist who has given particularly careful thought to the implications of the theory that lies at the heart...

Solid-State Spectroscopy: An Introduction
Solid-State Spectroscopy: An Introduction

Spectroscopic methods have opened up a new horizon in our knowledge of solid-state materials. Numerous techniques using electromagnetic radiation or charged and neutral particles have been invented and worked out to a high level in order to provide more detailed information on the solids. The text presented here is an updated description of such...

Gravity Interpretation: Fundamentals and Application of Gravity Inversion and Geological Interpretation
Gravity Interpretation: Fundamentals and Application of Gravity Inversion and Geological Interpretation
This text on gravity methods in geophysics is intended for students and earth scientists of all kinds e.g., geophysicists, geologists, and geodesists. It is structured in 7 chapters covering the basic problems and tasks: data acquisition and analysis; qualitative and quantitative geological interpretation aspects involving the basic theory of...
Windows 7 For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)
Windows 7 For Dummies Quick Reference (Computer/Tech)

This handy reference covers all the must-know elements of Windows 7

The much-anticipated Windows 7 operating system brings lots of new elements to Windows, and you may have lots of questions. You'll find the answers quickly and easily in Windows 7 For Dummies Quick Reference - a concise, convenient reference you can keep by your...

Circumcision and Human Rights
Circumcision and Human Rights

"There is hardly a reason to circumcise a little boy for medical reasons because those medical reasons don t exist," said Dr. Michael Wilks, Head of Ethics at the British Medical Association, who admitted that doctors have circumcised boys for "no good reason."

In the United States, parts of Africa, the Middle East,...

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