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ColdFusion X Professional Projects
ColdFusion X Professional Projects

This comprehensive book on application development using ColdFusion MX covers details such as migrating applications from ColdFusion 5.0 to ColdFusion MX, building database applications, creating Web services, integrating of XML with ColdFusion, and more.

ColdFusion MX empowers developers with a productive scripting environment and...

A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK Guides)
A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK Guides)

Whether you are a senior executive or a project manager, it’s your job to help your organization grow and increase its value to its stakeholders. Project management is the unique organizational competency that manages change and drives competitive advantage—with the outcome of delivering results in line with corporate strategy. A...

PHP Hacks : Tips & Tools For Creating Dynamic Websites
PHP Hacks : Tips & Tools For Creating Dynamic Websites

Programmers love its flexibility and speed; designers love its accessibility and convenience. When it comes to creating web sites, the PHP scripting language is truly a red-hot property. In fact, PHP is currently used on more than 19 million web sites, surpassing Microsoft's ASP .NET technology in popularity. Not surprisingly,...

Building Open Source Network Security Tools: Components and Techniques
Building Open Source Network Security Tools: Components and Techniques

Although open source network security tools come in all shapes and sizes, a company will eventually discover that these tools are lacking in some area—whether it’s additional functionality, a specific feature, or a narrower scope. Written by security expert Mike Schiffman, this comprehensive book will show you how to build your own...

You Don't Have to Do It Alone : How to Involve Others to Get Things Done
You Don't Have to Do It Alone : How to Involve Others to Get Things Done
Learn to involve others and make your work easier! This concise book lays out a simple, straightforward plan of action for finding the right people and keeping them energized, enthusiastic, and committed until the work is completed.

You Don't Have to Do It Alone takes a systematic approach to getting things done by involving
How to Use Adobe Photoshop 7
How to Use Adobe Photoshop 7

Adobe Photoshop is the world's leading image manipulation software. Used by both professional and amateur graphic designers, it is the de facto standard for print and Web publishing.

A new full-version release is expected in March 2002. This new version is expected to be a major release with significant...

Basic English Usage
Basic English Usage
Not only for beginners, but also for intermediate level students. Please take into account that this book is "a shortened and simplified version" of Practical English Usage. If you want a book to carry for studying in the bus, BSE is good, but for having it in your desk, PSE is better.

An alphabetical guide to the most common...

Java InstantCode: Developing Applications using Java Speech
Java InstantCode: Developing Applications using Java Speech
Use this code-intensive reference to design speech-enabled Java applications and provides support for speech synthesizers, command and control recognizers, and more.

The InstantCode series is designed to provide you - the developer - with code you can use for common tasks in the workplace. The goal of the InstantCode series is not to
Migrating to the Solaris Operating System : The Discipline of UNIX-to-UNIX Migrations
Migrating to the Solaris Operating System : The Discipline of UNIX-to-UNIX Migrations
This book presents an established methodology for transitioning the people, processes, and technologies in IT environments to the Solaris(TM) Operating System. It steps you through the various phases of the migration process, using detailed case studies to illustrate the benefits, costs, and requirements associated with a migration project. While...
Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions

With Acrobat 6, Adobe has delivered a vastly improved product that streamlines and fortifies document exchange using PDF. Rich with sophisticated new features and an enhanced interface, Acrobat 6 gives business, creative, engineering, and now prepress professionals greater control over high-quality document exchange and review.

.NET InstantCode: UML with Visio and Visual Studio .NET
.NET InstantCode: UML with Visio and Visual Studio .NET
Learn how Microsoft Visio can be integrated with Visual Studio .Net 2003 to create enterprise level applications, including the features of Visio, such as Unified Modelling Language (UML), Database Modelling, and Object Role Modelling (ORM).

Visio is a diagramming tool that allows you to create drawings and document processes, systems,
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start is the fastest path to mastering the Microsoft.NET Compact Framework-Microsoft's next generation development framework for creating complex applications for the Pocket PC and Windows CE platforms. Using it, you can leverage your knowledge of C#...

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