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Design and Implementation of Data Mining Tools
Design and Implementation of Data Mining Tools

Focusing on three applications of data mining, Design and Implementation of Data Mining Tools explains how to create and employ systems and tools for intrusion detection, Web page surfing prediction, and image classification. Mainly based on the authors’ own research work, the book takes a practical approach to the...

Groups and Symmetries: From Finite Groups to Lie Groups (Universitext)
Groups and Symmetries: From Finite Groups to Lie Groups (Universitext)

The theory of group representations is a fundamental subject at the intersection of algebra, geometry and analysis, with innumerable applications in other domains of pure mathematics and in the physical sciences: chemistry, molecular biology and physics, in particular crystallography, classical and quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.

Design of Observational Studies (Springer Series in Statistics)
Design of Observational Studies (Springer Series in Statistics)

An observational study is an empiric investigation of effects caused by treatments when randomized experimentation is unethical or infeasible. Observational studies are common in most fields that study the effects of treatments on people, including medicine, economics, epidemiology, education, psychology, political science and sociology. The...

Disjunctivism: Contemporary Readings (MIT Readers in Contemporary Philosophy)
Disjunctivism: Contemporary Readings (MIT Readers in Contemporary Philosophy)
Winning entry, Professional Cover/Jacket Category, in the 2009 New England Book Show sponsored by Bookbuilders of Boston.

A central debate in contemporary philosophy of perception concerns the disjunctive theory of perceptual experience. Until the 1960s, philosophers of perception generally assumed that a veridical
Strategic Marketing: In the Customer Driven Organization
Strategic Marketing: In the Customer Driven Organization
Marketing is the function within an organization that focuses directly on the customer. Strategic Marketing in the Customer Driven Organization places a unique emphasis on the reason for the existence of the firm -- to provide, communicate and deliver value to the customer. Through the use of many international examples,...
Everything Changes: The Insider's Guide to Cancer in Your 20's and 30's
Everything Changes: The Insider's Guide to Cancer in Your 20's and 30's
"By page three of the introduction to Everything Changes, I wanted not only to devour the rest of the book, but I wanted to call Kairol up, get to know her, and (if we weren't both already married) see if I could sleep with her. Then the book got really good. It is, without doubt, the most forthright, emotionally sophisticated, and plain-old...
The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics (Wiley and SAS Business Series)
The New Know: Innovation Powered by Analytics (Wiley and SAS Business Series)

Learn to manage and grow successful analytical teams within your business

Examining analytics-one of the hottest business topics today-The New KNOW argues that analytics is needed by all enterprises in order to be successful. Until now, enterprises have been required to know what happened in the past, but in today's...

iMovie 09 & iDVD 09 For Dummies (Math & Science)
iMovie 09 & iDVD 09 For Dummies (Math & Science)

A fun, full-color guide to creating, editing, dressing up, and sharing home movies using iMovie and iDVD

Make home movies 21st Century style, complete with special effects, themes, backgrounds, and other elements you can add yourself when you know how to use iMovie and iDVD. This fun and friendly guide makes it easy!


Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine
Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine

Practical Programming in the Cell Broadband Engine offers a unique programming guide for the Cell Broadband Engine, demonstrating a large number of real-life programs to identify and solve problems in engineering, logic design, VLSI CAD, number-theory, graph-theory, computational geometry, image processing, and other subjects. This...

Working with India: The Softer Aspects of a Successful Collaboration with the Indian IT & BPO Industry
Working with India: The Softer Aspects of a Successful Collaboration with the Indian IT & BPO Industry
Globalization requires effective international and cross-cultural collaboration. When project teams from Western cultures first come into contact with colleagues from the Indian IT and BPO industry, prejudices against the new and unknown are typically amplified. This book is a start on the journey of cultural appreciation for managers, project...
More Mortgage Meltdown: 6 Ways to Profit in These Bad Times
More Mortgage Meltdown: 6 Ways to Profit in These Bad Times

A clear look at how to capture investment profits during difficult financial times

The U.S. economy has become crippled by the credit and real estate catastrophe. Even though we've all been affected by the calamity and have heard no shortage of news about it, it still seems unfathomable and utterly incomprehensible to most people that...

Moodle 1.9 for Second Language Teaching
Moodle 1.9 for Second Language Teaching
That word Moodle keeps cropping up all over the place - it's in the newspapers, on other teachers' tongues, in more and more articles. Do you want to find out more about it yourself and learn how to create all sorts of fun and useful online language activities with it? Your search ends right here.

This book demystifies Moodle and
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