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MCTS Windows 7 Configuring 70-680 Study Guide
MCTS Windows 7 Configuring 70-680 Study Guide
This comprehensive guide book prepares the reader for Microsoft's brand new MCTS: Windows 7, Configuring exam (70-680). You'll find 100% coverage of all the exam objectives. It provides practical, real-world scenarios; hands-on exercises, and challenging assessment questions. This book prepares you for the 70-680 exam, called the Microsoft...
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini is the coiled up,dormant,cosmic power that underlies all organic and inorganic matter within us and any thesis that deals with it can avoid becoming too abstract,only with great difficulty.But within the pages of the book,the theory that undelies this cosmic power has been analysed to it's thinnest filaments,and practical methods have...
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
Components used in mechanical engineering usually have to bear high mechanical loads. It is, thus, of considerable importance for students of mechanical engineering and materials science to thoroughly study the mechanical behaviour of materials. There are different approaches to this subject: The engineer is mainly interested in design rules to...
The Physics of Rugby
The Physics of Rugby
This book began three decades ago, on a cold Saturday morning in early September. That was when I pulled on for the first time the scarlet jersey of Icknield, a high school named for a fierce tribe of Britons, the Iceni, who under their warrior queen Boadicea inflicted several heavy defeats upon the Romans. Our opponents that morning were from the...
The Evolution Deceit
The Evolution Deceit
For some people the theory of evolution or Darwinism has only scientific connotations, with seemingly no direct implication in their daily lives. This is, of course, a common misunderstanding. Far beyond just being an issue within the framework of the biological sciences, the theory of evolution constitutes the underpinning of a deceptive...
Video Compression Systems: From first principles to concatenated codecs (Iet Telecommuncations)
Video Compression Systems: From first principles to concatenated codecs (Iet Telecommuncations)
-Traces history of video compression systems from low bit rate compression to today's high quality HDTV compression

-Accessible to a wide audience - complicated processes are explained using figures and diagrams with descriptions of the algorithms.

This book gives an overview on many practical aspects of video compression systems used...

Carrier Scale IP Networks: Designing and Operating Internet Networks (Bt Communications Technology Series, 1)
Carrier Scale IP Networks: Designing and Operating Internet Networks (Bt Communications Technology Series, 1)
Communications networks are now dominated by Internet protocol (IP) technologies. This book comprehensively reviews the design, provision and operations of carrier-scale Internet networks. Every aspect of networking, from access to the core network to the surrounding operational support systems has been radically affected by the rapid development...
Understanding and Writing Compilers: A Do It Yourself Guide (Macmillan Computer Science Series)
Understanding and Writing Compilers: A Do It Yourself Guide (Macmillan Computer Science Series)
In the past compiler writers and designers seemed to form an elite group within computing science, set apart by their esoteric knowledge and their ability to produce large, important system programs which really worked. The admiration of the computing public, whether it was once deserved or not, is no longer merited now that the principles of...
A Dictionary of Real Numbers
A Dictionary of Real Numbers
How do we recognize that the number .93371663... is actually 21og1 0(e + 7r)/2 ? Gauss observed that the number 1.85407467... is (essentially) a rational value of an elliptic integral—an observation that was critical in the development of nineteenth century analysis. How do we decide that such a number is actually a special value of a...
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Pregnancy
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a thrilling experience, but it can also be filled with apprehension and anxiety, especially for first-time parents. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Pregnancy eases the worry by giving you answers to the questions you have, as well as questions that you may not think to ask. Unlike most other books available on the topic, this...

Reference and Computation: An Essay in Applied Philosophy of Language (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Reference and Computation: An Essay in Applied Philosophy of Language (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
This book deals with a major problem in the study of language: the problem of reference. The ease with which we refer to things in conversation is deceptive. Upon closer scrutiny, it turns out that we hardly ever tell each other explicitly what object we mean, although we expect our interlocutor to discern it. Amichai Kronfeld provides an answer...
Delivering E-Learning: A Complete Strategy for Design, Application and Assessment
Delivering E-Learning: A Complete Strategy for Design, Application and Assessment

The current way most people look at e-learning is flawed, and this means they are missing its full potential. Delivering E-Learning describes a new and better way of understanding e-learning. Kenneth Fee looks at objections to e-learning and poor past practice before presenting a new strategic approach. Fee places the...

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