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Personal Computing Demystified
Personal Computing Demystified
Welcome to the personal computing adventure—and it is an adventure. You might be surprised to learn that few people, even the word wizards who write dictionaries and encyclopedias, attempt to define personal computing. It’s one of the phrases we just accept, thinking it has something to do with personal computers (PCs).And, it does....
Head First Algebra
Head First Algebra
Having trouble understanding algebra? Do algebraic concepts, equations, and logic just make your head spin? We have great news: Head First Algebra is designed for you. Full of engaging stories and practical, real-world explanations, this book will help you learn everything from natural numbers and exponents to solving systems of equations...
Handbook of Optical Metrology: Principles and Applications
Handbook of Optical Metrology: Principles and Applications

The field of optical metrology offers a wealth of both practical and theoretical accomplishments, and can cite any number of academic papers recording such. However, while several books covering specific areas of optical metrology do exist, until the pages herein were researched, written, and compiled, the field lacked for a comprehensive...

Schaum's Outline of XML
Schaum's Outline of XML
Another spin-off of the browser wars has been the desire by the software giants to merge the Web and the desktop. With the browser becoming more of an application as well as a surfing tool, it grew in size, complexity, glitz, and glamour. What was needed was a simple, back-to-basics method of data exchange. It is not necessary to change the Web...
Project Management Demystified
Project Management Demystified
Learn Project Management on time and under budget! "Project Management Demystified" is valuable for both the novice project manager and the experienced. For the novice, it is a great way to understand PM basics in an easy-to-understand and practical way. Personalized stories demonstrate both what to do and what not to do. Experienced...
Advances in 3D Geoinformation Systems (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
Advances in 3D Geoinformation Systems (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)

This unique book focuses on comparing several types of 3D models. Due to the rapid developments in sensor techniques a vast amount of 3D data is available. Effective algorithms for (semi) automatic object reconstruction are required. Integration of existing 2D objects with height data is a non-trivial process and needs further research. The...

History, Historians, and Conservatism in Britain and America: From the Great War to Thatcher and Reagan
History, Historians, and Conservatism in Britain and America: From the Great War to Thatcher and Reagan
History, Historians, and Conservatism in Britain and America examines the subjects, motives, and personal and intellectual origins of conservative historians who were also successful public intellectuals. In their search for a persuasive and wide appeal, conservatives depended until at least the 1960s upon history and historians to provide...
Advanced Batteries: Materials Science Aspects
Advanced Batteries: Materials Science Aspects
Energy is important to all of us, for a variety of reasons, but primarily because it can be useful. It can be found in a number of different forms. One readily recognizes the concepts of potential energy and kinetic energy, as well as the chemical energy in fuels, thermal energy as heat, the kinetic energy in wind and moving water, and magnetic and...
News and Journalism in the UK: A Textbook (Communication and Society)
News and Journalism in the UK: A Textbook (Communication and Society)

News and Journalism in the UK is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the political, economic and regulatory environments of press and broadcast journalism in Britain and Northern Ireland.


Surveying the industry in a period of radical economic and technological change, Brian McNair examines the main...

Mathematical Relationships in Education: Identities and Participation (Routledge Research in Education)
Mathematical Relationships in Education: Identities and Participation (Routledge Research in Education)

This book brings together scholars working in the field of mathematics education to examine the ways in which learners form particular relationships with mathematics in the context of formal schooling. While demand for the mathematically literate citizen increases, many learners continue to reject mathematics and experience it as excluding and...

Sport, Masculinities and the Body (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)
Sport, Masculinities and the Body (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

This groundbreaking work explores masculinity and the body within sports. Sports continue to retain expectations for presentations of specific forms of masculinity. The body is central to these presentations. These everyday bodily performances are rehearsed and performed either successfully or unsuccessfully - and the consequences of these...

Test-Driven Development: An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice
Test-Driven Development: An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice

Agile methods are gaining more and more interest both in industry and in research. Many industries are transforming their way of working from traditional waterfall projects with long duration to more incremental, iterative and agile practices. At the same time, the need to evaluate and to obtain evidence for different processes, methods and...

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