At the end of 2005, the Reporting Services development team had some tough decisions to make. Unlike most of the SQL Server development team, who had been working on the 2005 release for close to five years, it had only been a year and a half since we shipped the first version of Reporting Services. In that same timeframe, we shipped two service...
High definition video requires substantial compression in order to be transmitted or stored economically. Advances in video coding standards from MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 to H.264/AVC have provided ever increasing coding efficiency, at the expense of great computational complexity which can only be delivered through massively parallel...
Written by best-selling author and instructor Jean Andrews, this edition maps fully to the 2006 A+ Exams. This full-color guide is designed to be the most complete, step-by-step book available for learning the fundamentals of supporting and troubleshooting computer hardware. Video clips are available on the accompanying CD so readers can watch...
Electric power systems will always be exposed to the failure of their components. When a fault occurs on a line, it is crucial for the fault location to be identified as accurately as possible, allowing the damage caused by the fault to be repaired quickly before the line is put back into service. Fault Location on Power Lines enables...
Accretion flows, winds and jets of compact astrophysical objects and stars are generally described within the framework of hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) flows. Analytical analysis of the problem provides profound physical insights, which are essential for interpreting and understanding the results of numerical simulations....
Current radiation protection standards are based upon the application of the linear no-threshold (LNT) assumption, which considers that even very low doses of ionizing radiation can cause cancer. The radiation hormesis hypothesis, by contrast, proposes that low-dose ionizing radiation is beneficial. In this book, the author examines all facets...
This book presents a detailed exposition of the formalism and application of k.p theory for both bulk and nanostructured semiconductors. For bulk crystals, this is the first time all the major techniques for deriving the most popular Hamiltonians have been provided in one place. For nanostructures, this is the first time the Burt-Foreman theory...
Improving supply chain efficiency, especially in today’s unsettled business climate, requires that managers go beyond doing business as usual. They must apply inspiration and perspiration in a structured, collaborative, and measurable approach that blends project management with supply chain management knowledge and practice:
Strategic intelligence (SI) has mostly been used in military settings, but its worth goes well beyond that limited role. It has become invaluable for improving any organization's strategic decision making process. The author of Strategic Intelligence: Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence, and Knowledge Management recognizes synergies...
Constructive Suggestions for Efficiently Implementing Technology Transfer
Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and Applications presents the mechanisms, features, effects, and modes of technology transfer. It addresses the measurement, cost, benefit, optimal allocation, and game theory of technology transfer,...
1950s: Growing up in the 1940s, Barbara never talked about having been raped by a family member. As a young adult, she went to a psychiatrist who told her that people generally weren’t bothered by incest, and, despite her distress, she let the matter drop.
1982: Several women in their twenties met through a local feminist anti...
The legendary story of the ten lost tribes of Israel has resonated among both Jews and Christians down through the centuries: the compelling idea that some core group of humanity was "lost" and exiled to a secret place, perhaps someday to return triumphant. In this fascinating book, Zvi Ben-Dor Benite shows for the first time the...