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Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle: Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies (Environmental Pollution)
Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle: Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies (Environmental Pollution)

The presence of xenobiotics in the aquatic environment is seen as one of the biggest challenges for a sustainable water future. Thus, there is a need to understand, in an integrated manner, the sources, flow paths, fate and effects of xenobiotics in the urban water cycle.

This book is an authoritative and comprehensive reference source...

Variations in Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Eli Schwartz
Variations in Economic Analysis: Essays in Honor of Eli Schwartz

For over fifty years, Eli Schwartz has inspired generations of economists through his prolific publications and dedicated in teaching. In 2008, the Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise at Lehigh University invited prominent academics and practitioners—including Nobel Prize recipients, Robert Solow and Harry Markowitz, and...

Toll-like Receptors: Roles in Infection and Neuropathology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
Toll-like Receptors: Roles in Infection and Neuropathology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)

Mammalian Toll-like receptors (TLRs) were first identified in 1997 based on their homology with Drosophila Toll, which mediates innate immunity in the fly. In recent years, the number of studies describing TLR expression and function in the nervous system has been increasing steadily and expanding beyond their traditional roles in infectious...

Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses (Handbook of Plant Breeding)
Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses (Handbook of Plant Breeding)

The main role of grasses, clovers and alfalfa in temperate agriculture is still to provide forage for ruminant animals but, in the last decades, the importance of amenity grasses increased markedly and, in the near future, new developments in the areas of energy and biomass use can be envisaged. Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses, fifth volume in...

Domain Driven Data Mining
Domain Driven Data Mining

In the present thriving global economy a need has evolved for complex data analysis to enhance an organization’s production systems, decision-making tactics, and performance. In turn, data mining has emerged as one of the most active areas in information technologies. Domain Driven Data Mining offers state-of the-art research and...

Nanoscale Devices: Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessibility from the Macroscopic World (NanoScience and Technology)
Nanoscale Devices: Fabrication, Functionalization, and Accessibility from the Macroscopic World (NanoScience and Technology)

The evolution of the microelectronics is controlled by the idea of scaling. However, the scaling of the device size below 10 nm is expected to be impossible because of physical, technological and economic reasons. Fundamental considerations (based on Heisenberg's principle, Schrödinger equation, decoherence of quantum states, and Landauer...

Provincial Life and the Military in Imperial Japan: The Phantom Samurai (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)
Provincial Life and the Military in Imperial Japan: The Phantom Samurai (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

In contrast to the enduring stereotype of a ‘nation of samurai’, this book uses provincial newspapers and local records to hear the voices of ordinary people living in imperial Japan through several decades of war and peace. These voices reveal the authentic experiences, opinions and emotions of men, women and children. They show...

Themes of the American Civil War: The War Between the States
Themes of the American Civil War: The War Between the States

Themes of the American Civil War offers a timely and useful guide to this vast topic for a new generation of students. The volume provides a broad-ranging assessment of the causes, complexities, and consequences of America’s most destructive conflict to date. The essays, written by top scholars in the field, and reworked for this...

Qmail Quickstarter: Install, Set Up and Run your own Email Server
Qmail Quickstarter: Install, Set Up and Run your own Email Server

A fast-paced and easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that gets you up and running quickly

  • Qmail Basics
  • Storing and retrieving of emails
  • Virtualisation
  • Filtering Spam
  • Hosting Multiple Domains, Encryption, and Mailing Lists

In Detail

This book...

Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide
Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide

Design, develop, and deploy feature-rich Magento online stores with PHP coding

  • Extend and customize the Magento e-commerce system using PHP code
  • Set up your own data profile to import or export data in Magento
  • Build applications that interface with the customer, product, and order data using...
Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques
Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques

Creative ways to build powerful and effective online courses

  • Motivate students from all backgrounds, generations, and learning styles
  • When and how to apply the different learning solutions with workarounds, providing alternative solutions
  • Easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions with screenshots...
Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 8 (Artistpro)
Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 8 (Artistpro)

Digidesign’s Official Pro Tools 101 Courseware takes a comprehensive approach to learning the fundamentals of Pro Tools|HD®, Pro Tools LE®, or Pro Tools M-Powered™ systems. Now updated for Pro Tools 8 software, this new edition from the definitive authority on Pro Tools covers everything you need to know to complete a Pro...

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