 Metaprogramming RubyRuby inherits characteristics from various languages—Lisp, Smalltalk, C, and Perl, to name a few. Metaprogramming comes from Lisp (and Smalltalk). It’s a bit like magic, which makes something astonishing possible. There are two kinds of magic: white magic, which does good things, and black magic, which can do nasty things. Likewise,... |  |  Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
There is nothing simple about creating effective, cross-browser, JavaScript code. In addition to the normal challenge of writing clean code you have the added complexity of dealing with obtuse browser complexities. To counter-act this JavaScript developers frequently construct some set of common, reusable, functionality in the form of... |  |  |
 Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6SIP is the most important VoIP protocol and OpenSIPS is clearly the open source leader in VoIP platforms based on pure SIP. The whole telecommunication industry is changing to an IP environment, and telephony in the way we know today will disappear in less than ten years. SIP is the protocol leading this disruptive revolution and it is one of... |  |  Zoho For DummiesZoho — the free suite of online productivity applications — offers a fantastic set of resources for anyone with Internet access. You can use a state-of-the-art word processor, spreadsheet, database system, or any of many other applications that Zoho offers. Those applications are as powerful as any you’ll find that you install... |  |  Software Performance and Scalability: A Quantitative ApproachPraise from the Reviewers:
"The practicality of the subject in a real-world situation distinguishes this book from others available on the market."
—Professor Behrouz Far, University of Calgary
"This book could replace the computer organization texts now in use that every CS and CpE... |
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