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Plone 3 for Education
Plone 3 for Education

Why do so many schools have terrible websites? Talk to the people in charge, and you rarely find incompetence. On the contrary, the web team is often the first to express dissatisfaction, but their hands are tied by some combination of these problems:

• The webmaster bottleneck. Everyone is busy. If editing web content is any harder...

Painter 11 Creativity: Digital Artist's Handbook
Painter 11 Creativity: Digital Artist's Handbook

Jeremy Sutton is one of the world's premier Painter artists (www.JeremySutton.com and www.PaintboxJ.com), and in this brand new edition of his best-selling Painter Creativity: Digital Artist's Handbook, he shows you the methods and techniques he's developed over the years to perfect his art and earn him the title of Corel Painter Master. This...

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: Create Eye-Popping Effects Using Aviary (Without Paying for Photoshop!)
More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: Create Eye-Popping Effects Using Aviary (Without Paying for Photoshop!)

"More Than One Way to Skin a Cat: Create Eye-Popping Effects Using Aviary (Without Paying for Photoshop!)" shows you how to create humorous and imaginative images using Phoenix, a powerful yet simple browser-based image editor from Aviary.com. You'll start with the basics of Phoenix, learning about the features, tools, and layering...

Software Error Detection through Testing and Analysis
Software Error Detection through Testing and Analysis

An in-depth review of key techniques in software error detection

Software error detection is one of the most challenging problems in software engineering. Now, you can learn how to make the most of software testing by selecting test cases to maximize the probability of revealing latent errors. Software Error Detection through...

Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)

Whether you're a programmer developing new animation functionality or an animator trying to get the most out of your current animation software, Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques will help work more efficiently and achieve better results. For programmers, this book provides a solid theoretical orientation and extensive...

SharePoint 2007 Disaster Recovery Guide
SharePoint 2007 Disaster Recovery Guide

Microsoft’s SharePoint platform is a complex, diverse technical tool designed to meet a range of business needs and uses. It requires several other platforms and applications for implementation, and it can be integrated with other external line of business applications. This diversity also applies to the numerous methods, tools, and...

Managing and Mining Graph Data (Advances in Database Systems)
Managing and Mining Graph Data (Advances in Database Systems)

Managing and Mining Graph Data is a comprehensive survey book in graph data analytics. It contains extensive surveys on important graph topics such as graph languages, indexing, clustering, data generation, pattern mining, classification, keyword search, pattern matching, and privacy. It also studies a number of domain-specific...

Game Character Design Complete: Using 3ds Max 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS2
Game Character Design Complete: Using 3ds Max 8 and Adobe Photoshop CS2

A game is only as intriguing as the characters that inhabit its world. Game Character Design Complete demonstrates each step of modeling, texturing, animating, and exporting compelling characters for your games. You’ll learn how to model in 3ds Max from sketch references, texture in Adobe Photoshop, rig bones, and animate a character back...

Legal Strategies: How Corporations Use Law to Improve Performance
Legal Strategies: How Corporations Use Law to Improve Performance

Far from regarding the law as supreme, corporations approach law as an element of executive thought and action aimed at optimizing competitiveness.

The objective of this book is to identify, explore and define corporate legal strategies that seek advantage in the opportunities revealed when the Law is perceived as a resource to be...

The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography: From the First Photo on Paper to the Digital Revolution
The Concise Focal Encyclopedia of Photography: From the First Photo on Paper to the Digital Revolution

Th e first edition of Th e Focal Encyclopedia of Photography was published in 1956 at a time when innovations in silver halide technology, photographic tools, and practices were growing exponentially. Reading the Introduction to the First Edition published by Hungarian author Andor Kraszna-Krausz, the fi rst chairman of the editorial board,...

The Dark Side of Game Texturing
The Dark Side of Game Texturing

A perfect and direct starting point for a beginner game texture artist! "The Dark Side of Game Texturing" is also an excellent reference for intermediate artists, or for those who want to further their digital art skills. Learn how to create game textures similar to the eerie, sinister, and ominous textures seen in great video games...

Team Leadership in the Game Industry
Team Leadership in the Game Industry

Team Leadership in the Game Industry arms you with the information you need to face and meet the challenges of finding, supporting, and retaining a talented team of employees. Specifically addressing the unique needs of managers in the game industry, this book recognizes a common issue: game development teams consisting of talented specialists...

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