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The World of Private Banking (Studies in Banking and Financial History)
The World of Private Banking (Studies in Banking and Financial History)

This is a full and authoritative account of the history of private banking, beginning with its development in conjunction with the world markets served by and centred on a few European cities, notably Amsterdam and London. These banks were usually partnerships, a form of organization which persisted as the role of private banking changed in...

The Retrieval of Ethics
The Retrieval of Ethics

Talbot Brewer presents an invigorating new approach to ethical theory, in the context of human selfhood and agency. The first main theme of the book is that contemporary ethical theorists have focused too narrowly on actions and the discrete episodes of deliberation through which we choose them, and that the subject matter of the field looks...

Re/Structuring Science Education: ReUniting Sociological and Psychological Perspectives
Re/Structuring Science Education: ReUniting Sociological and Psychological Perspectives

Since its beginnings, science education has been under the influence of psychological theories of knowing and learning, while in more recent years, social constructivist and sociological frameworks have also begun to emerge. With little work being done on showing how the perspectives of these separate approaches might be integrated, this work...

Small Molecules in Oncology (Recent Results in Cancer Research)
Small Molecules in Oncology (Recent Results in Cancer Research)

Extensive research into the molecular mechanisms of cancer disease has heralded a new age of targeted therapy. In malignant cells, key proteins that are crucial to tumor growth and survival are now being targeted directly with rationally designed inhibitors. Apart from monoclonal antibodies, small molecule therapeutics such as oncogenic protein...

Pediatric CNS Tumors (Pediatric Oncology)
Pediatric CNS Tumors (Pediatric Oncology)

Pediatric brain tumors are a tremendous challenge for the treating physician. Their diverse biological behaviors, in the unique context of the developing nervous system, require fl exible and tailored treatment plans. In the last 20 years, there has been an exponential increase in our understanding of the molecular and genetic basis of human...

Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13
Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA 13

As we enter the 21st century, there is an urgent need for new approaches to mathematics education emphasizing its relevance in young learners’ futures. Modeling Students’ Mathematical Modeling Competencies explores the vital trend toward using real-world problems as a basis for teaching mathematics skills, competencies, and...

Open Source Software for Digital Forensics
Open Source Software for Digital Forensics

Open Source Applications
Springer Book Series
Editor: Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy

Open Source Software for Digital Forensics is the first book dedicated to the use of FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) in...

Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases
Integrating Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany: A Consideration of Issues, Methods, and Cases

In recent years, scholars have emphasized the need for more holistic subsistence analyses, and collaborative publications towards this endeavor have become more numerous in the literature. However, there are relatively few attempts to qualitatively integrate zooarchaeological (animal) and paleoethnobotanical (plant) data, and even fewer attempts...

Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education Volume 2
Information Systems Development: Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education Volume 2

Information Systems Development (ISD) progresses rapidly, continually creating new challenges for the professionals involved. New concepts, approaches and techniques of systems development emerge constantly in this field. Progress in ISD comes from research as well as from practice.

This conference will discuss issues pertaining to...

Electrochemistry for the Environment
Electrochemistry for the Environment

The book starts with the fundamentals of environmental electrochemistry, introducing the basic techniques in selecting and fabricating electrode materials, followed by a theoretical analysis of the electrochemical processes, green electrochemical operation, discussion of electrochemical technologies in water treatment, and then examination of...

Violence and Phenomenology (Studies in Philosophy)
Violence and Phenomenology (Studies in Philosophy)

This book pursues the problem of whether violence can be understood to be constitutive of its own sense or meaning, as opposed to being merely instrumental. Dodd draws on the resources of phenomenological philosophy, and takes the form of a series of dialogues between figures both inside and outside of this tradition. The central figures...

Money and Ideas: Four Studies on Finance, Innovation and the Business Life Cycle (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)
Money and Ideas: Four Studies on Finance, Innovation and the Business Life Cycle (International Studies in Entrepreneurship)

The lifecycle of businesses is complicated. Right from birth, businesses experience not just opportunities but also many hurdles. The primary obstacle for all businesses is access to capital; drawing from a variety of fields and research perspectives, this book presents four scientific studies that explore the implications of financial...

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