 Black Masculinity and Sexual Politics (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity)African American males occupy a historically unique social position, whether in school life, on the job, or within the context of dating, marriage and family. Often, their normal role expectations require that they perform feminized and hypermasculine roles simultaneously. This book focuses on how African American males experience... |  |  |  |  Class in Education: Knowledge, pedagogy, and subjectivityIn contemporary pedagogy, "class" has become one nomadic sign among others: it has no referent but only contingent allusions to similarly traveling signs. Class, that is, no longer explains social conflicts and antagonisms rooted in social divisions of labor, but instead portrays a cultural carnival of lifestyles, consumptions, tastes,... |
 Closed-End Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds: Origins, Functions, and Literature"Closed-End Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds, and Hedge Funds: Origins, Functions, and Literature is a concise and valuable book that will be of interest to individual investors, financial professionals, and academic researchers, alike. It provides a brief history and institutional discussion of these investment companies and also presents a... |  |  Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and PhysicistsThis established textbook is didactically excellent and it unifies intuitiveness with extraordinary precision of its terminology and their derivation. It was developed as manuscript to teach students in electrical engineering, and has served to do so for thousands of students over 2 decades.
Discussed is the electromagnetic field theory... |  |  |
 Human Reliability Assessment Theory and PracticeA continually evolving discipline, Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) has elements of controversy from the definition of terms to the application of appropriate methods for the representation of human failure probability. The idea that human error is a random event is falling out of favor and the concept that humans can be set up to fail or... |  |  Record Label Marketing, Second EditionThe concept of selling recorded music has been around for more than a century. While the actual storage medium for music has evolved, from cylinders to vinyl discs, magnetic tape, digital discs, and now downloads, the basic notion has remained the same: a musical performance is captured to be played back at a later time, at the convenience of... |  |  A Brief History of the Olympic GamesFor more than a millennium, the ancient Olympics captured the imaginations of the Greeks, until a Christianized Rome terminated the competitions in the fourth century AD. But the Olympic ideal did not die and this book is a succinct history of the ancient Olympics and their modern resurgence.
Classics professor David Young, who... |
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