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Python Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Python Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
This pocket reference covers the latest Python release 2.2. It is a short, concise reference for the Python programming language, and its most commonly used libraries and tools. Designed to be a quick and easy to use resource for developers, this book serves as a natural companion to O'Reilly's Learning Python and...
Linux in a Windows World
Linux in a Windows World
The latest in O'Reilly's line of bestselling Linux titles, Linux in a Windows World is an invaluable companion for any system administrator interested in integrating Linux into their Windows environment. This book takes an in-depth look at exactly how Linux can be brought into an organization that's currently based...
Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook
Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook

Is there any sexier topic in software development than software testing? That is, besides game programming, 3D graphics, audio, high-performance clustering, cool websites, et cetera? Okay, so software testing is low on the list. And that's unfortunate, because good software testing can increase your productivity, improve your...

Mastering Digital Photography
Mastering Digital Photography

Stop taking snapshots and start taking photographs! "Mastering Digital Photography" gives you the tips and techniques you need to take professional-quality photographs with your digital camera. Written for photographers, by a photographer, it examines the special capabilities and needs of computer imaging, concentrating...

PSP Hacks : Tips & Tools for Your Mobile Gaming and Entertainment Handheld
PSP Hacks : Tips & Tools for Your Mobile Gaming and Entertainment Handheld

Sure, it's just what you've been clamoring for: an ultra slick, portable version of the most popular console gaming system in the world. But Sony's new PlayStation Portable (PSP) isn't just a handheld gaming device. Beyond its killer graphics and spectacular widescreen LCD for unparalleled game play, it also sports wireless...

C++ in a Nutshell
C++ in a Nutshell

C++ in a Nutshell packs an enormous amount of information on C++ (and the many libraries used with it) in an indispensable quick reference for those who live in a deadline-driven world and need the facts but not the frills. Cross-references link related methods, classes, and other key features. This is an...

Mind Performance Hacks : Tips & Tools for Overclocking Your Brain
Mind Performance Hacks : Tips & Tools for Overclocking Your Brain

You're smart. This book can make you smarter.

Mind Performance Hacks provides real-life tips and tools for overclocking your brain and becoming a better thinker. In the increasingly frenetic pace of today's information economy, managing your life requires hacking your brain.

Berkeley DB
Berkeley DB

Small, special-purpose computing devices and high-end core Internet servers need fast, reliable database management. Berkeley DB is an embedded database that provides high-performance, scalable, transaction-protected and recoverable data management services to applications. Extremely portable, this library runs under almost all...

PHP Developer's Cookbook (2nd Edition)
PHP Developer's Cookbook (2nd Edition)

PHP is an open source, server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamically generated Web pages. With an easy-to-use syntax and a large, extensible library of modules, PHP makes it fast and easy to create powerful data-driven Web sites for e-commerce, community portals, and other Web-based applications.

Programming Python, Second Edition with CD
Programming Python, Second Edition with CD
Programming Python focuses on advanced applications of Python. Endorsed by Python creator Guido van Rossum, it demonstrates advanced Python techniques, and addresses software design issues such as reusability and object-oriented programming. The enclosed platform-neutral CD-ROM has book examples and various...
Google Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Google Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Google Hacks is a collection of industrial-strength, real-world, tested solutions to practical problems. This concise book offers a variety of interesting ways for power users to mine the enormous amount of information that Google has access to, and helps you have fun while doing it. You'll learn clever and...
.NET Compact Framework Programming with Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft Net Development Series)
.NET Compact Framework Programming with Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft Net Development Series)

.NET Compact Framework Programming with Visual Basic .NET is the definitive tutorial and reference for the .NET Compact Framework (CF). It shows you how to transfer your skills and your code to the Pocket PC 2003 and other mobile and embedded...

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