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AI for Game Developers
AI for Game Developers
Written for the novice AI programmer, AI for Game Developers introduces you to techniques such as finite state machines, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and many others, in straightforward, easy-to-understand language, supported with code samples throughout the entire book (written in C/C++). From basic...
Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools
Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools
This practical guide to managing network security covers reliable methods for detecting network intruders, from using simple packet sniffers to more sophisticated IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) applications and the GUI interfaces for managing them. A comprehensive resource for monitoring illegal entry attempts, ...
Troubleshooting Linux(R) Firewalls
Troubleshooting Linux(R) Firewalls

When something goes wrong with your Linux firewall, you need to fix itright now. You don't have time for endless newsgroup searches, confusing man pages, emails to the developers... it's an emergency! One book brings together all the step-by-step solutions and proven problem-solving techniques you'll need when the time comes:...

SWT : The Standard Widget Toolkit, Volume 1 (The Eclipse Series)
SWT : The Standard Widget Toolkit, Volume 1 (The Eclipse Series)

The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a new class library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Java. Created as part of the Eclipse project, SWT allows developers to build efficient, portable applications that directly access the user-interface facilities of the operating systems it is implemented on. This...

CCSP CSVPN Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-511)
CCSP CSVPN Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-511)

The Exam Cram method of study focuses on exactly what you need to get certified now.

In this book you'll learn how to:

  • Develop a solid foundation of VPN technologies and apply them to Cisco's VPN hardware and software...

About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design
About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design
Interaction Design professionals are constantly seeking to ensure that software and software-enabled products are developed with the end-user's goals in mind to make them more powerful and enjoyable for people who use them. This text ensures it.

First published seven years ago-just before the World Wide Web exploded into dominance in the...

WebLogic: The Definitive Guide
WebLogic: The Definitive Guide
WebLogic: The Definitive Guide presents a 360-degree view of the world of WebLogic. Exhaustive treatment of the WebLogic server and management console answers any question that readers might think to ask. From building, packaging, and deploying applications, to optimizing the runtime WebLogic environment, dealing...
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange (with CD-ROM)
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange (with CD-ROM)
Developers learn how to build and run core business services across the enterprise using Microsoft's powerful messaging and collaboration tools?Outlook 2000 and Exchange Server 5.5. Now in its second edition, this bestselling book has been updated and revised to dig even deeper into Outlook 2000 capabilities such as the Digital Dashboard, the...
The A-Z of Correct English
The A-Z of Correct English
This guide to the correct usage of English has been designed to help resolve most common English language problems and queries. Set out in an accessible reference format, the book contains examples and explanations of mistakes regarding sentence construct

This is one of those books you'll have wished you had when you were a student. If
Learning Perl, Second Edition
Learning Perl, Second Edition
Among other things, this book is about 260 pages long. It is also a gentle introduction to Perl. By the
time you've gone through this book, you'll have touched on the majority of the simpler operations and
common language idioms found in most Perl programs.

This book is not intended as a comprehensive guide to Perl; on the
The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition)
The C++ Programming Language (3rd Edition)

This book presents every major C++ language feature and the standard library. It is organized around language and library facilities. However, features are presented in the context of their use. That is, the focus is on the language as the tool for design and programming rather than on the language in itself. This book demonstrates key...

Programming Windows with C# (Core Reference)
Programming Windows with C# (Core Reference)
This book shows you how to write programs that run under Microsoft Windows. There are a number
of ways to write such programs. In this book, I use the new object-oriented programming language
C# (pronounced "C sharp") and a modern class library called Windows Forms. The Windows Forms
class library is part of the Microsoft
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