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Foundations Of Decision-Making Agents: Logic, Probability and Modality
Foundations Of Decision-Making Agents: Logic, Probability and Modality

This self-contained book provides three fundamental and generic approaches (logical, probabilistic, and modal) to representing and reasoning with agent epistemic states, specifically in the context of decision making. Each of these approaches can be applied to the construction of intelligent software agents for making decisions, thereby...

The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Natural solutions for living a clean and healthy life

Health consciousness is an area of transformational and unprecedented growth in the North American public today. More and more people are seeking alternative solutions to conventional medical practices. For many, a natural approach to healing everything from common...

Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History
Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History

From the authors of The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs comes an introduction to the study of dinosaurs for non-specialists designed to excite readers about science by using dinosaurs to illustrate and discuss geology, natural history and evolution. While focusing on dinosaurs it also uses them to convey other aspects of the...

Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy (Vol 1-3)
Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy (Vol 1-3)

'A careful and brilliant statement of the conditions of human freedom. It is a major work of political and economic philosophy which sets terms that neither its friends or critics can ignore.' - THES

At last this work can appear in the form it was intended to take when I started on it nearly twenty years ago. Half...

Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning
Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning

At Last--A Time-Saver Standard for Interior Design. Free up time for creativity with this all-in-one guide to hour- and money-saving interior design shortcuts, plus thousands of pieces of well-organized information to make your job easier. Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning makes decision-making simple--and...

Anatomic Basis of Tumor Surgery
Anatomic Basis of Tumor Surgery

Modern biological understanding is the basis for a multimodality treatment of a tumor. 'Anatomic Basis of Tumor Surgery' is the only book that provides an anatomic basis and description of tumor surgery based on an understanding of both the anatomy and biology of tumor progression. It presents the regional anatomy to allow tailoring...

Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems
Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems

This book provides an in-depth discussion of autonomous and autonomic systems, their interdependencies, differences and similarities. Current and pending issues in these evermore increasingly important subjects are highlighted and discussed. Concepts, ideas and experiences are explored in relation to real-life NASA systems in spacecraft...

Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook
Consumer Electronics Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook

* The ultimate troubleshooting and repair reference for professional technicians and hobbyists focuses on the most popular consumer electronic devices
* All major consumer electronics troubleshooting techniques--for the first time anywhere!
* Hundreds of illustrations clarifying effective troubleshooting and repair methods...

MCTS Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-631
MCTS Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-631

The first and only Study Guide for the MCTS Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Configuration Exam (70-631)

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is a free collaborative tool that allows you to share and organize documents, contacts, and calendars; create polls; moderate the content of lists and share libraries; and more. Exam 70-631 tests...

Unicode Demystified: A Practical Programmer's Guide to the Encoding Standard
Unicode Demystified: A Practical Programmer's Guide to the Encoding Standard

Offers an in-depth introduction to the encoding standard and provides the tools and techniques necessary to create today's globally interoperable software systems. Presents strategies for implementing various aspects of the standard. Softcover.

Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to the Present
Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to the Present

Civil resistance--non-violent action against such challenges as dictatorial rule, racial discrimination and foreign military occupation--is a significant but inadequately understood feature of world politics. Especially through the peaceful revolutions of 1989, it has helped to shape the world we live in.

Civil Resistance

Actor Training
Actor Training

Actor Training expands on Alison Hodge’s highly-acclaimed and best-selling Twentieth Century Actor Training. This exciting second edition radically updates the original book making it even more valuable for any student of the history and practice of actor training. The bibliography is brought right up to date and many...

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