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Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work: Client and Supplier Perspectives
Offshore Outsourcing of IT Work: Client and Supplier Perspectives

Based on over 200 interviews, this new book provides rich insights and practices on the toughest challenges facing offshore client/supplier relationships.  While many client organizations found benefits to be gained from the offshoring of IT work, others struggled to realize any cost savings or other improvements. How...

Adobe Photoshop CS for Photographers: Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative Use of Photoshop for the Mac and PC
Adobe Photoshop CS for Photographers: Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative Use of Photoshop for the Mac and PC

The latest edition to join Martin Evening's bestselling 'Adobe Photoshop for Photographers' titles gives you completely updated and revised coverage providing a professional photographer's insight into Photoshop CS.

The main update is the latest coverage of all that's new in digital capture; also the

Concepts in Programming Languages
Concepts in Programming Languages

Concepts in Programming Languages elucidates the central concepts used in modern programming languages, such as functions, types, memory management, and control. The book is unique in its comprehensive presentation and comparison of major object-oriented programming languages. Separate chapters examine the history of objects, Simula and...

CompTIA A+ Complete Review Guide: Exam 220-701 / Exam 220-702
CompTIA A+ Complete Review Guide: Exam 220-701 / Exam 220-702

Organized by exam objectives, this is a focused, concise review guide that works hand-in-hand with any learning tool, including the CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide, 2nd Edition.

The CompTIA A+ certification is the industry standard in terms of measuring a technician's hardware and software knowledge. As the most popular...

Principles Of Radiation Interaction In Matter And Detection
Principles Of Radiation Interaction In Matter And Detection

This book, like its first edition, addresses the fundamental principles of interaction between radiation and matter and the principle of particle detectors in a wide scope of fields, from low to high energy, including space physics and the medical environment. It provides abundant information about the processes of electromagnetic and...

The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding secularisation, 1800-2000
The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding secularisation, 1800-2000

The Death of Christian Britain examines how the nation’s dominant religious culture has been destroyed. Callum Brown challenges the generally held view that secularization was a long and gradual process dating from the industrial revolution. Instead, he argues that it has been a catastrophic and abrupt cultural revolution...

Emerging Technology Platforms for Stem Cells
Emerging Technology Platforms for Stem Cells

This book focuses on practical applications for using adult and embryonic stem cells in the pharmaceutical development process. It emphasizes new technologies to help overcome the bottlenecks in developing stem cells as therapeutic agents. A key reference for professionals working in stem cell science, it presents the general principles and...

Applied Calculus of Variations for Engineers
Applied Calculus of Variations for Engineers

The subject of calculus of variations is to find optimal solutions to engineering problems where the optimum may be a certain quantity, a shape, or a function. Applied Calculus of Variations for Engineers addresses this very important mathematical area applicable to many engineering disciplines. Its unique,...

Cambridge Grammar for IELTS Student's Book with Answers and Audio CD
Cambridge Grammar for IELTS Student's Book with Answers and Audio CD

Cambridge Grammar for IELTS provides complete coverage of the grammar needed for the IELTS test, and develops listening skills at the same time. It includes a wide range of IELTS tasks from the Academic and General Training Reading, Writing and Listening modules, and contains helpful grammar explanations and a grammar glossary. A...

Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs
Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek Tradition and its Many Heirs

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists is the first comprehensive English language work to provide a survey of all ancient natural science, from its beginnings through the end of Late Antiquity. A team of over 100 of the world’s experts in the field have compiled this Encyclopedia, including entries which are...

Watercolor Painting For Dummies
Watercolor Painting For Dummies

Have you ever been amazed by watercolor paintings that seem to spring to life before your eyes? Would you love to be able to paint with watercolors? Now, you can. Watercolor Painting For Dummies shows you the fun and easy way to create breathtaking paintings so beautiful you won’t believe you made them yourself.


Processes and mechanisms of welding residual stress and distortion
Processes and mechanisms of welding residual stress and distortion

As a fabrication technology, welding presents a number of technical challenges to the designer, manufacturer, and end-user of the welded structures. Both weld residual stress and distortion can significantly impair the performance and reliability of the welded structures. They must be properly dealt with during design, fabrication, and...

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