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SWT: A Developer's Notebook (Developer's Notebook)
SWT: A Developer's Notebook (Developer's Notebook)
In typical Developer's Notebook style, you'll learn how to take SWT out for a spin, make it work for you,and turn it upside down, all without wasted words or space. Each lab in this notebook details a specific task; you can read from the first page to the last, look up just what you need to know, and even squeeze...
Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide
Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide

It used to be that two laptops, sitting side by side, couldn't communicate with each other; they may as well have been a thousand miles apart. But that was then, before the advent of Zero Configuration Networking technology. This amazing cross-platform open source technology automatically connects electronic devices on a...

Quantitative Methods in Project Management
Quantitative Methods in Project Management
This book combines theoretical and practical applications and takes project managers through the most important quantitative methods, integrates them, and illustrates interrelationships.

This is a practitioner’s book, combining theoretical and practical applications for project professionals. It is a loosely coupled work flow that...

Crystal Clear : A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams (Agile Software Development Series)
Crystal Clear : A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams (Agile Software Development Series)

Carefully researched over ten years and eagerly anticipated by the agile community, Crystal Clear: A Human-Powered Methodology for Small Teams is a lucid and practical introduction to running a successful agile project in your organization. Each chapter illuminates a different important aspect of...

Java™ Application Development on Linux®
Java™ Application Development on Linux®

Readers learn how to:

  • Use development tools available on Linux, such as the GNU Compiler for Java (gcj), Ant, the NetBeans IDE, IBM's Eclipse Java IDE, JUnit, and SunONE Studio

  • Develop business logic layers using Java DataBase...

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Developer's Cookbook
Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Developer's Cookbook

What do you need when you are coding in C#? If your answer is easily understood recipes for code that does something, then this is the book for you! You probably already have a handle on the basics of .NET programming and are in need of some shortcuts to make your job easier. How about 350 code recipes! The Microsoft...

Programming with Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET
Programming with Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET

The most immediately obvious feature of .NET is the runtime, which Microsoft calls the common language runtime. The concept of a runtime is not new to Microsoft technologies—Visual Basic applications have always carried around the baggage of the Visual Basic runtime, and Microsoft’s foray into Java brought about the...

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Certified Developer Study Guide
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Certified Developer Study Guide

Macromedia's Web tools are well known and widely used. The idea of a certification method to ensure that Web developers are confident and competent with these tools is a logical move, especially because many people now style themselves as Web design experts. Macromedia's Dreamweaver 8 is one of the most widely used tools for...

Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Products (Agile Software Development Series)
Agile Project Management : Creating Innovative Products (Agile Software Development Series)

Now, one of the field's leading experts brings together all the knowledge and resources you need to use APM in your next project. Jim Highsmith shows why APM should be in every manager's toolkit, thoroughly addressing the questions project managers raise about Agile approaches. He systematically introduces the five-phase APM...

Corel Paint Shop Pro X Digital Darkroom
Corel Paint Shop Pro X Digital Darkroom

Corel Paint Shop Pro X Digital Darkroom is an easy-to-follow, tutorial approach to using Paint Shop Pro in exactly the way home users want to use it - to manipulate your own images in ways that a local photo lab often does to create both practical and...

Spidering Hacks
Spidering Hacks
Written for developers, researchers, technical assistants, librarians, and power users, Spidering Hacks provides expert tips on spidering and scraping methodologies. You'll begin with a crash course in spidering concepts, tools (Perl, LWP, out-of-the-box utilities), and ethics (how to know when you've gone too far:...
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances : How to Fix the Most Annoying Things About Your Favorite Presentation Program
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances : How to Fix the Most Annoying Things About Your Favorite Presentation Program

If you're vexed and perplexed by PowerPoint, pick up a copy of Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances. This funny, and often opinionated, guide is chock full of tools and techniques for eliminating all the problems that drive audiences and presenters crazy.

There's nothing...

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