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Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis
Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: A Global Synthesis

The book provides best estimates of carbon and nutrient fluxes in seven types of continental margins. In each type, these fluxes are reported in detail individually for 3-7 representative geographic regions, each of which is characterized by concise descriptions of the physical and biogeochemical settings. Drawn from the regional synthesis, a...

Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks (Syngrass Seven Deadlest Attacks)
Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks (Syngrass Seven Deadlest Attacks)

Do you need to keep up with the latest hacks, attacks, and exploits effecting web applications? Then you need Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks. This book pinpoints the most dangerous hacks and exploits specific to web applications, laying out the anatomy of these attacks including how to make your system more secure. You will discover...

Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets Practice (Signals and Communication Technology)
Sensor Networks: Where Theory Meets Practice (Signals and Communication Technology)

This book collects very recent results in the realm of sensor networking. In particular, it links the theory of sensor networking with practical and implementation aspects. Such, it highlights how sensor networking represents a very interesting research/application area, allowing a researcher to apply his theories and a practitioner to...

Broke: What Every American Business Must Do to Restore Our Financial Stability and Protect Our Future
Broke: What Every American Business Must Do to Restore Our Financial Stability and Protect Our Future

What principled business leaders can do to solve America's current financial crisis

Broke is a startling wake-up call for America and an honest accounting of what our future holds if we don't take charge and change our country for the better. If the business of America is business, then it's up to our business...

WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites
WordPress 24-Hour Trainer: Watch, Read, and Learn How to Create and Customize WordPress Sites

Don't let WordPress intimidate you. WordPress 24-Hour Trainer is a unique lesson-based book that walks you through the essential parts of WordPress. Each lesson is streamlined to teach a specific aspect of WordPress, helping you to focus on just what you need in order to get the task accomplished. If you learn better visually,...

Intelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Intelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

Multimedia data are used more and more widely in human being's life, e.g., videoconferencing, visual telephone, IPTV, etc. Nearly most of the applications need multimedia transmission techniques that send multimedia data from one side to another side and keep the properties of efficiency, robustness and security. Here, the efficiency...

Wavelets: From Math to Practice
Wavelets: From Math to Practice

The method of wavelet transforms is one key tool in signal processing and control. Modern wavelet theory defines outlines for construction of wavelets and transformations using them. It gives rules that one has to obey to get a wavelet basis with desired properties, meaning that everyone can create a wavelet adequate for the given task. This...

Diabetes: The Biography (Biographies of Diseases)
Diabetes: The Biography (Biographies of Diseases)

Diabetes is a disease with a fascinating history and one that has been growing dramatically with urbanization. According to the World Health Authority, it now affects 4.6% of adults over 20, reaching 30% in the over 35s in some populations. It is one of the most serious and widespread diseases today. But the general perception of diabetes is...

Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library)
Polar Oceans from Space (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library)

The book presents a wealth of material about the polar oceans, more specifically the ice-covered areas and peripheral seas. It provides a detailed history of the changing climate of the polar oceans as observed by satellite sensors in the last three decades. The satellite research data show spatial distributions of surface temperature, sea...

Casual Game Design: Designing Play for the Gamer in ALL of Us
Casual Game Design: Designing Play for the Gamer in ALL of Us

From Windows Solitaire to Bejeweled to Wii Tennis, casual games have radically changed the landscape of games. By simplifying gameplay and providing quick but intense blasts of engaging play, casual games have drawn in huge new audiences of players. To entertain and engage the casual player, game designers must learn to...

CCNA Exploration Course Booklet: Routing Protocols and Concepts, Version 4.0
CCNA Exploration Course Booklet: Routing Protocols and Concepts, Version 4.0

The Cisco CCNA Exploration curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of networking, from fundamentals to advanced applications and services. This course emphasizes theoretical concepts and practical application, giving you hands-on skills for designing, installing, operating, and maintaining real-world networks. While...

CCNA Security Lab Manual
CCNA Security Lab Manual

The only authorized Lab Portfolio for the new Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Security Course

  • Gives CCNA Security students a comprehensive, printed and bound lab resource containing all of the course's labs, for use whenever Internet access isn't available
  • Handy printed...
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