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CCSP SECUR Exam Cram 2 (642-501)
CCSP SECUR Exam Cram 2 (642-501)

Exam Cram 2 fills the needs of 1,000s of Certified Security Specialists and new security cert candidates looking to upgrade to a CCSP.

  • SECUR is the first and most important of the 5 required exams to obtain a CCSP.

  • ...
Google: The Missing Manual
Google: The Missing Manual

Google.com is one of the five most popular sites on the Internet and is used around the world by millions of people every day. Sure, you know how to "Google it" when you're searching for something--anything!--on the Web. It's plenty fast and easy to use. But did you know how much more you could achieve with the world's...

Flash 8: The Missing Manual
Flash 8: The Missing Manual

Macromedia's Flash 8 is the world's premier program for adding animation to websites. And with the latest version, this popular program becomes more versatile, letting beginning webmasters and expert developers alike create sophisticated web content. But Flash isn't intuitive. And it doesn't come with a manual....

InstallAnywhere Tutorial and Reference Guide
InstallAnywhere Tutorial and Reference Guide

Software installation and deployment made simple--that's the promise of InstallAnywhere from Zero G Software. Are you harnessing the full potential of InstallAnywhere in your software installation project? InstallAnywhere Tutorial and Reference Guide ...

Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips
Mac OS X Tiger Killer Tips

Have you ever noticed that in just about every Mac book, the author will include a couple of tips in each chapter (you'll usually find them in the sidebar, or at the bottom of the page in a tinted box). Sometimes it's a shortcut, a faster way to do something, or a clever workaround that just makes your life easier. People really...

Macromedia Captivate for Windows : Visual QuickStart Guide
Macromedia Captivate for Windows : Visual QuickStart Guide
If you've ever used traditional screen recording software to create product demonstrations or created custom simulations on your own, you know what an enormous task it can become. Not so with Macromedia's recently renamed and enhanced software, Macromedia Captivate (formerly RoboDemo). By capturing your actions as you use a program, Captivate...
ICDL Exam Cram 2
ICDL Exam Cram 2

The ICDL Exam Cram 2 covers exactly what readers need to know to earn their International Computer Driving License credential, which is used in more than 90 countries worldwide. Though the exam is new to the U.S., the ICDL program is the global standard for measuring fundamental computer...

Connective Selling : The Secrets of Winning 'Big  Ticket' Sales
Connective Selling : The Secrets of Winning 'Big Ticket' Sales

Today’s corporate decision makers are more sophisticated buyers than ever before. Whilst most love to buy, all hate being ‘sold to’. They are no longer willing to be pushed, pressurized or otherwise badgered into making a decision to buy what you are offering. Indeed, the harder you push, the more likely it is that they will...

Windows Server Hacks
Windows Server Hacks
The tools, or hacks in this book reveal techniques that go well beyond basic management tasks found in most handbooks. Hacks range from those that deal with general administration to more esoteric hacks in the areas of network deployment, patch management, performance, security, and backup and recovery. No matter which Windows Server you use--NT,...
MySQL, Second Edition
MySQL, Second Edition

In the second edition of MySQL Paul DuBois provides an updated, comprehensive guide to one of the most popular relational database systems.

MySQL is the most popular open source database server in the world, with more than 2...

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

Many articles have appeared in the press about Visual Basic .NET being radically different from prior versions of Visual Basic. Unfortunately, most of the articles leave you with more questions than answers. What exactly are the changes in Visual Basic .NET? Will it be possible to upgrade existing applications? Why does it break...

mySAP Tool Bag for Performance Tuning and Stress Testing (Hewlett-Packard Professional Books)
mySAP Tool Bag for Performance Tuning and Stress Testing (Hewlett-Packard Professional Books)

Drive maximum performance and value from your SAP investment!

In this book, a leading expert on SAP performance walks through every facet of tuning and optimizing mySAP Solutions, and the technology layers underpinning these solutions, to maximize performance and...

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