 SAS 9.1 SQL Procedure User's Guide
Base SAS software supports Structured Query Language (SQL), the ANSI standard and widely used language that enables you to create, retrieve, and update database information. This title is your introductory, task-oriented resource for SQL as implemented through the SAS SQL procedure. With this title, you will learn the basics of using PROC... |  |  SAS/ACCESS 9.1 Interface To Adabas: Reference
All the power and flexibility of SAS can be used to analyze and present data directly from ADABAS databases. Gaining ADABAS database access can be as simple as filling in the blanks. And analyzing and reporting on that same data can be as easy as pointing and clicking. This title provides complete details for using the ACCESS procedure in a... |  |  jQuery: Novice to Ninja
No matter what kind of ninja you are—a cooking ninja, a corporate lawyer ninja, or an actual ninja ninja—virtuosity lies in first mastering the basic tools of the trade. Once conquered, it’s then up to the full-fledged ninja to apply that knowledge in creative and inventive ways.
In recent times, jQuery has proven... |
 Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar
This monograph presents the results of a fiscal year 2008 study, “Defining and Implementing Cyber Command and Cyber Warfare.” It discusses the use and limits of power in cyberspace, which has been likened to a medium of potential conflict, much as the air and space domains are. The study was conducted to help clarify and focus... |  |  Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are
I believe that mobile marketing is the marketing of the future. My name is Cindy Krum, and I am the author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are. This book is intended to be a comprehensive guide for marketers and anyone who wants a clearer understanding of how they can integrate mobile marketing with their... |  |  Classic Home Video Games, 1985-1988: A Complete Reference Guide
More than any other companies in the history of electronic gaming, Nintendo, Sega, and later Sony established video games as a lifestyle, a hobby that would endure beyond the “video game craze” of the ’70s. Following the Great Implosion of ’83, as the Age of Atari crumbled, game console and software sales tanked and... |
 Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives
The recognition of object categories has a rich history in computer vision. In the 1970s, generic object recognition systems sought to model and recognize objects based on their coarse, prototypical shape. These early systems employed complex 3-D models, which offered invariance to viewpoint (including image translation, rotation, and scale),... |  |  Object-Oriented Design and Patterns
This book is an introduction to object-oriented design and design patterns at an elementary level. It is intended for students with at least one semester of programming in an object-oriented language such as Java or C++.
An object-oriented design text that's student oriented too!
Now updated to reflect the... |  |  Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition
Automatic object recognition has become an established discipline in image analysis. Moments and moment invariants play a very important role as features in invariant recognition. They were introduced to the pattern recognition community almost 50 years ago and the mathematical background they utilized is even older, originating from the... |
 Nikon D3000 For Dummies
Explore your camera's creative options and learn to get great shots with your dSLR!
Congratulations — you've chosen to take greater control over your photos with a dSLR camera! Now get expert advice on making the most of your Nikon D3000. Learn how to use its many settings, how to get the best results in... |  |  The Web and Parents: Are You Tech Savvy?
Are you a parent with kids in elementary, middle, or high school? This book is for you. You may feel that your children are experts on using the Web, technology wizards, computer geniuses. Please don’t despair. First of all, they are not necessarily all of these things simply because they may know more than you do about using the Web.... |  |  SAS(R) Data Integration Studio 3.3: User's Guide
The ETL process consists of all the steps necessary to extract data from different locations, transform raw operational data into consistent, high-quality business data, and load the data into a data warehouse. SAS provides all of this with the addition of an easy-to-use, metadata-driven warehouse management environment. This manual explains... |
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