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Digital Photography Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Digital Photography Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Going beyond the standard fare of most digital photography books, Digital Photography Hacks shares the knowledge that professional photographers have learned through thousands of shots' worth of experience and years of experimentation. With exquisite, full-color photos throughout, the book presents 100 proven...
BSD Hacks
BSD Hacks
Looking for a unique set of practical tips, tricks, and tools for administrators and power users of BSD systems? From hacks to customize the user environment to networking, securing the system, and optimization, BSD Hacks takes a creative approach to saving time and accomplishing more with fewer resources. If...
The Enterprise Unified Process : Extending the Rational Unified Process
The Enterprise Unified Process : Extending the Rational Unified Process
Extend RUP to Drive Improvements Across the Entire IT Lifecycle

The Rational Unified Process is a powerful tool for improving software development -- but it doesn't go nearly far enough. Today's development organizations need to extend RUP to cover the entire IT lifecycle, including the...

Introduction to Private Land Mobile Radio (LMR): Dispatch, LTR, APCO, MPT1327, iDEN, and TETRA
Introduction to Private Land Mobile Radio (LMR): Dispatch, LTR, APCO, MPT1327, iDEN, and TETRA
This book explains the different types of private land mobile radio systems, their basic operations, and the services they can provide.

If you are involved or getting involved in land mobile radio technologies and services, this book is for you. This book covers the basics of private land mobile radio systems including traditional...

Integrating PHP and XML
Integrating PHP and XML
Learn how to use SAX, XSLT, and XPath to manipulate XML documents, as well as use of XML-RPC protocol for accessing procedures on a remote computer, and much more.

PHP is a server-side scripting language used to create Web applications. XML is a markup language used to exchange data among Web applications. PHP can be...

C# & VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference
C# & VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference

If you are anything like me, the following is a common scenario: You are writing some code not in the language you traditionally use. Although you know a needed command in your language of choice, the keyword in the language you are using is not even remotely similar, and you can't even think of a word to type...

The Complete E-Commerce Book:Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based Business
The Complete E-Commerce Book:Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based Business

Showing how to build a successful e-commerce operation from the ground up, this text explores important considerations including customer experience, effective website design, cutting-edge programming, robust server configuration, and much more.

Make your e-commerce vision a success with this comprehensive, step-by-step handbook. Whether...

Secrets of Podcasting : Audio Blogging for the Masses
Secrets of Podcasting : Audio Blogging for the Masses
If you thought Internet radio was cool, wait 'til you experience podcasting--regular audio programs delivered via the Internet, which you can listen to when you want, where you want! Here to lead you into this brave, new world of mass audio blogging--and quite possibly change your listening habits forever--is a fun, fact-filled guide that shows you...
JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook
JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook
On numerous online forums for JavaScript and DHTML, the majority of questions begin with "How do I...?" This new Cookbook provides the answers with a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples. The book's recipes range from simple tasks, such as manipulating strings and validating dates in JavaScript, to...
GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool
GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool
This book is a tutorial for Autoconf, Automake and Libtool, hereafter referred to as the GNU Autotools. The GNU manuals that accompany each tools adequately document each tool in isolation. Until now, there has not been a guide that has described how these tools work together.

If you are a developer and are looking to
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
This text introduces the spirit and theory of hacking as well as the science behind it all; it also provides some core techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks or thwart potential system attacks.

Hacking is the art of creating problem solving, whether used to find an unconventional solution to...

Eclipse Cookbook
Eclipse Cookbook
Eclipse is a powerful open source platform that gives Java developers a new way to approach development projects. In the Eclipse Cookbook, Java expert Steve Holzner demystifies Eclipse with practical recipes for more than 800 situations you may encounter--from deploying a web application automatically to...
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