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Windows 7 Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Solutions
Windows 7 Annoyances: Tips, Secrets, and Solutions

They say no one should see how sausage or laws get made, and I feel the same
is true for software.

Imagine a windowless room in a nondescript office building. Inoffensive tan carpet lines the floors, fluorescent lights hum softly overhead, and 20 seated Microsoft employees flank a rectangular folding table in the center of...

Principles of Broadband Switching & Networks
Principles of Broadband Switching & Networks

The past few decades have seen the merging of many computer and communication applications. Enabled by the advancement of optical fiber, wireless communication, and very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technologies, modern telecommunication networks can be regarded as one of the most important inventions of the past century.


Excel 2010 Visual Quick Tips
Excel 2010 Visual Quick Tips

Work smarter and faster in Excel 2010 with this quick, practical guide!

Want quick answers to your Excel 2010 questions? This handy guide breaks down big tasks into bite-sized how-tos that quickly show you how to accomplish what you want to do. Full-color screenshots and numbered steps clearly explain dozens of features and...

Excel 2010 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)
Excel 2010 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf)

Welcome to Excel 2010 Formulas. I approached this project with one goal in mind: To write the ultimate book about Excel 2010 formulas that would appeal to a broad base of users. That’s a fairly ambitious goal. But based on the feedback I received from the first four editions, I think I’ve accomplished it.

Excel is the...

No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web
No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web

There is no question that the Web has become an integral part of modern life for people around the world, connecting us to each other and to seemingly infinite portals of information in real time. In the era of Web 2.0, barriers to participation have been lowered further and further, and we’ve seen the birth of myriad new people to...

Word 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
Word 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

Welcome to Word 2010 All-in-One For Dummies, the book written especially for people who use Word every day and need a handy reference to all the various and sundry things this mighty program can do. This book contains all the basic and not-so-basic information you need to know to get the most from Word, whether you use it to compose simple...

Pump Handbook: Third Edition
Pump Handbook: Third Edition

It is difficult to follow in the footsteps of Igor J. Karassik, whose vision and leadership played a major role in the concept of a handbook on pumps that is broad enough to encompass all aspects of the subject—from the theory of operation through design and application to the multitude of tasks for which pumps of all types and sizes...

Piping Handbook
Piping Handbook

It is with great sense of gratitude and humility I take this blessed moment to offer this Seventh Edition of Piping Handbook. The challenge presented by the success of the Sixth Edition, coupled with our objective to enhance its reference value and widen its scope, motivated us to reach out and draw upon the recognized expertise on piping...

Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius
Telephone Projects for the Evil Genius

Since its inception in 1876, the telephone has captured the imagination of people around the world. From its simple origins, the telephone has evolved from the humble device it once was to the modern cell phone or satellite phone. The telephone has fundamentally and instantaneously changed the human race’s ability to communicate over...

Graphic Design Cookbook: Mix & Match Recipes for Faster, Better Layouts
Graphic Design Cookbook: Mix & Match Recipes for Faster, Better Layouts

With 100,000 copies sold, Graphic Design Cookbook is one of the most useful all-purpose resources for designers and anyone who wants to create a dynamic layout for magazines, newsletters, books, posters, and other media. Now released with a fresh new cover, its more than a thousand line drawings illustrate effective design devices, type...

Handbook on the Northeast and Southeast Asian Economies (Elgar Original Reference)
Handbook on the Northeast and Southeast Asian Economies (Elgar Original Reference)

Undoubtedly, the rapid transformation of a band of four Northeast Asian economies (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong) since the mid-1960s has been unprecedented in economic history. Their experience has surpassed the earlier experience of Japan’s transformation into an industrial economy, and that of the former USSR. Although...

Handbook on International Trade Policy (Elgar Original Reference)
Handbook on International Trade Policy (Elgar Original Reference)

Controversy over the conduct and coordination of international trade policy has become a politically charged issue in current times. At the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in Seattle in 1999, groups from civil society went to the barricades to protest various facets of ‘globalization’. Similar spectacles have been...

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