 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Acting
In Henry Fielding’s great novel Tom Jones, the young hero and his friend Partridge go to see a production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet—a play that had been around for less than 50 years at that point. Partridge, always opinionated and usually wrong, is not impressed by the actor playing Hamlet: “Why, I could act as well as... |  |  Student's Guide to Calculus I
This Student Guide i s exceptional, maybe even unique, among such guides in that its author, Fred Soon, was actually a student user of the textbook during one of the years we were writing and debugging the book. (He was one of the best students that year, by the way.) Because of h i s background, Fred has taken, i n the Guide, the point of... |  |  50 Steps To Business Success: Entrepreneurial Leadership In Manageable Bites
Here is a master plan for leaders who want to know the dynamic, proven techniques any business leader-from the fruit stand owner to the Fortune 500 chairman-must use to build a successful entrepreneurial enterprise. At the heart of this program is a fundamental belief in the continuous work necessary to improve all activities-a constant quest... |
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