 Digital Landscape Photography
Photographing landscape with a film camera is different than with a digital camera. There are several books on the market that cover landscape photography but few of them are specifically for the digital photographer. This book is what you are looking for!
Digital Landscape Photography covers:
* equipment such as... |  |  Milton's Angels: The Early-Modern Imagination
Milton's Paradise Lost, the most eloquent, most intellectually daring, most learned, and most sublime poem in the English language, is a poem about angels. It is told by and of angels; it relies upon their conflicts, communications, and miscommunications. They are the creatures of Milton's narrative, through which he sets the... |  |  Origins of Objectivity
My primary aim in this book is to understand and explain origins of representational aspects of mind, particularly in representation of the physical world. Under what conditions does accurate objective representation of the physical world begin? Since the inquiry centers on what it is to represent the physical world in this initial way, and... |
 Bridges: The science and art of the world's most inspiring structures
The Brooklyn Bridge, London's Tower Bridge, Sydney's Harbour Bridge, San Francisco's Golden Gate--bridges can be breathtakingly monumental structures, magnificent works of art, and vital arteries that make life vastly easier.
In Bridges, eminent structural engineer David Blockley takes readers on a... |  |  Human Genome Epidemiology, 2nd Edition
The first edition of Human Genome Epidemiology, published in 2004, discussed how the epidemiologic approach provides an important scientific foundation for studying the continuum from gene discovery to the development, applications and evaluation of human genome information in improving health and preventing disease. Since that time,... |  |  Oxford American Handbook of Neurology
The Oxford Handbooks have been an extremely valuable adjunct to the education of physicians in mu tiple areas of medicine in the United Kingdom and in many other countries, principally those with inkages to the educational processes of medicine in the United Kingdom. These books have been less used in the United States, although they have... |
 No Country for Old Men: From Novel to Film
I twice viewed No Country for Old Men in the theater, and on both occasions after the final image of Tommy Lee Jones had cut to black, there were audible exclamations from the patrons around me: “That’s it?” “What happened?” This twelfth film by Joel and Ethan Coen evoked the same response that the... |  |  Shatnerquake
It's Shatner VS Shatners!
William Shatner? William Shatner. WILLIAM SHATNER!!! It's the first ShatnerCon with William Shatner as the guest of honor! But after a failed terrorist attack by Campbellians, a crazy terrorist cult that worships Bruce Campbell, all of the characters ever played by William Shatner are... |  |  Shark Hunting in Paradise Garden
Flying sharks and robots...More fun than the Bible!
What would you expect to find if you traveled back in time to the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve? The tree of knowledge? A wicked serpent? How about some giant fucking flying sharks! That's right, I said sharks. Biblical sharks. Sharks that are bigger than city buses.... |
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