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Office 2010 Workflow
Office 2010 Workflow

Workflow is the glue that binds information worker processes, users, and artifacts. Without workflow, information workers are just islands of data and potential. Office 2010 Workflow details how to implement workflow in SharePoint 2010 and the client Microsoft Office 2010 suite to help information workers share data, enforce...

HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots
HTTP Programming Recipes for C# Bots

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) allows information to be exchanged between a web server and a web browser. C# allows you to program HTTP directly. HTTP programming allows you to create programs that access the web much like a human user would. These programs, which are called bots, can collect information or automate common web...

Maran Illustrated Windows 7
Maran Illustrated Windows 7

MARAN ILLUSTRATED? WINDOWS? 7 is the perfect guide for Windows users of all skill levels and ideal for any visual learner who prefers seeing what to do rather than reading lengthy explanations. Clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each operation from beginning to end. Helpful topic introductions and useful tips provide additional...

Microsoft Outlook 2010 Step by Step
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Step by Step

Bill Gates’s dream of “a computer on every desktop” is becoming more and more of a reality—many people today work (and play) on computers both in the office and at home. But desktop computers are even becoming a thing of the past. Laptops, netbooks, and other portable computers, as well as Windows Mobile devices,...

Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit
Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 4 in 24 Hours: Complete Starter Kit

DVD includes Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and ASP.NET 4


In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you’ll learn how to build complete, professional-quality web solutions with ASP.NET 4 and Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010. Using this...

WPF 4 Unleashed
WPF 4 Unleashed

The #1 WPF Book--Now Updated for WPF 4!


Full Color: Code samples appear as they do in Visual Studio!


Thorough, authoritative coverage, practical examples, clear writing, and...

Flash Professional CS5 and Flash Catalyst CS5 For Dummies
Flash Professional CS5 and Flash Catalyst CS5 For Dummies

A full-color guide for getting rewarding results with the latest version of Flash

Flash is used in the creation of Web animation, games, media rich Web sites, presentations, and more. Adobe has divided the new version of Flash into three separate products for different audiences, and this book covers the Professional...

Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide
Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide

Objective C 2.0 is the object-oriented language that is the basis for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, the development environment for the iPhone/iPod Touch.You'll learn all the basics: from handling data and creating functions to managing memory and handling exceptions. For programmers who want to develop iPhone apps, it's a must, and this...

Dreamweaver CS5 All-in-One For Dummies
Dreamweaver CS5 All-in-One For Dummies

Everything Web designers need to build sites with Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver is the leading Web site creation tool, with 90 percent of the market share. The nine minibooks that make up this guide cover getting started with Dreamweaver CS5, creating and publishing great sites, making pages dynamic, building Web applications, and...

Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X (2nd Edition)
Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X (2nd Edition)

Completely revised edition, now covering Snow Leopard!

Springing from the original Vermont Recipes Web site, where many of today’s Cocoa developers got their start, Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X, Second Edition is a programming cookbook that shows you how to create a complete Mac OS X application. In this updated edition,

Wireless Mobility: The Why of Wireless (Networking Professional's Library)
Wireless Mobility: The Why of Wireless (Networking Professional's Library)

Comprehensive Answers to the "Why" of Wireless Mobility

In this unique guide, Cisco wireless expert Neil Reid incorporates best practices from some of the most complex and challenging wireless deployments in the industry and provides an insider's view of the "why" of wireless mobility. The book discusses...

SOA with .NET (The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series from Thomas Erl)
SOA with .NET (The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Series from Thomas Erl)

The Authoritative Guide to Building Service-Oriented Solutions with Microsoft .NET Technologies and the Windows Azure Cloud Computing Platform

In SOA with .NET and Windows Azure, top Microsoft technology experts team up with Thomas Erl to explore service-oriented computing with Microsoft’s...

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