 E=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation
Already climbing the bestseller lists-and garnering rave reviews-this "little masterpiece"* sheds brilliant light on the equation that changed the world.
"This is not a physics book. It is a history of where the equation [E=mc2] came from and how it has changed the world. After a short chapter on the... |  |  Dictionary of Microbiology & Molecular Biology
This Third, Revised Edition of a unique, encyclopaedic reference work covers the whole field of pure and applied microbiology and microbial molecular biology in one volume. The Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, Revised:
Reflects the latest developments in the field
... |  |  Olaf's Kitchen: A Master Chef Shares His Passion
"Whether he's cooking for the British Royal family or whipping up a casual dinner,it's the same every time: exquisite meals, stunningly presented." - Josh Sleeman
"Chef Olaf is a bright light in the world of food - a culinary commando dedicated to the pursuit of excellence." - Anna... |
 Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the HTML 4.0-approved method for controlling visual presentation on web pages, is poised to make its mark on the Web. With good implementations in Internet Explorer 5.0 and Opera 3.5, and 100% support expected in Netscape's "Mozilla" browser, signs are that CSS is rapidly becoming a useful,... |  |  Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure
Enormous progress has been made in inflationary cosmology in the past few years and this book is the first to provide a modern and unified overview of the subject. Coverage examines every aspect of inflationary cosmology and carefully compares predictions with the latest observations, including those of the cosmic microwave background, the... |  |  Database Design, Application Development, and Administration
Mannino’s Database Design, Application Development, and Administration provides the information you need to learn relational databases. The book teaches students how to apply relational databases in solving basic and advanced database problems and cases. The fundamental database technologies of each processing environment are... |
 MEMS: Applications (The MEMS Handbook, Second Edition)
As our knowledge of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) continues to grow, so does The MEMS Handbook. The field has changed so much that this Second Edition is now available in three volumes. Individually, each volume provides focused, authoritative treatment of specific areas of interest. Together, they comprise the most comprehensive... |  |  Catamarans: The Complete Guide for Cruising Sailors
The modern cruising catamaran has arrived
The arguments are over and the verdict is in--cruising catamarans comprise a rapidly growing percentage of the cruising fleet worldwide. Their advantages of space, stability, speed, and handling under power are truly compelling, and modern cats are every bit as reliable as monohulls.... |  |  Communications Network Test & Measurement Handbook
As digital communications networks grow in use and size throughout the world, the need for accurate, reliable test and measurement procedures has increased tremendously. This unique handbook provides the only comprehensive coverage of all the methodologies, data, and reference material necessary to master network instrumentation. In this... |
 Art of Drawing the Human Body (Practical Art)
Budding artists can master the toughest and most treasured technique of all: portraying the beauty, grace, and personality of the human body. This wonderful tutorial, and a variety of inspiring sketches on every page, provide the solid technical foundation needed to depict every type of figure—young or old, male or female, standing, ... |  |  Essential Animal Behavior
Essential Animal Behavior provides a comprehensive introduction to all areas of the subject: from the genetic and neurobiological control of behavior to the learning, development, and function of behavior in an evolutionary context. Social behaviour is also covered throughout the text.
Written in a concise and engaging style,... |  |  The Art and Craft of Problem Solving
The newly revised Second Edtion of this distinctive text uniquely blends interesting problems with strategies, tools, and techniques to develop mathematical skill and intuition necessary for problem solving. Readers are encouraged to do math rather than just study it. The author draws upon his experience as a coach for the International... |
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