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Everyone Needs a Mentor: Fostering Talent in Your Organisation
Everyone Needs a Mentor: Fostering Talent in Your Organisation
Mentoring is the most cost-efficient and sustainable method of developing talent within an organization. This book shows how set up, run and maintain a mentoring program, from selecting and matching mentors and mentees to measuring results.

You can use mentoring to: stretch talented employees to perform even better by exposure to high
Introduction to Paging Systems: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX & INFLEXION
Introduction to Paging Systems: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX & INFLEXION

If you are involved or getting involved in mobile paging technologies, systems, or messaging services, this book is for you. This book explains the different types of paging systems, how they operate, and the changes that are occurring in the paging industry. Traditional paging services have seen a world decline of over 65% in the number of...

Running the Successful Hi-Tech Project Office
Running the Successful Hi-Tech Project Office
This book provides a blueprint to set up and run a project office in R&D environments, and covers major PO responsibilities, including project portfolio management, project oversight, methods and tool support, staffing and competence development and more.

This hands-on resource provides a blueprint to set up and run a project office...

Competency-Based Human Resource Management
Competency-Based Human Resource Management
Filled with practical tools and aids to help HR professionals, this book explains how to reinvent the human resource department so that job competencies--rather than job descriptions--become the foundation for all HR efforts.

Force-fitting employees into a "job box" shortchanges both the employees and the organization,...

The Myth of Leadership : Creating Leaderless Organizations
The Myth of Leadership : Creating Leaderless Organizations
In this unconventional, thought-provoking text, Jeffrey Nielsen debunks leader-based corporate hierarchies and presents the paradigm of "peer-based" organizations.

Can we really run organizations without leaders? Yes, says organizational consultant Jeffrey Nielsen in this provocative book. According to Nielsen, it’s time...

Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Classroom in a Book (Classroom in a Book)
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Classroom in a Book (Classroom in a Book)

The most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Premiere Pro!

Classroom in a Book, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training...

PMP Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 2)
PMP Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 2)
Welcome to PMP Practice Questions Exam Cram 2! The aim of this book is solely to provide you with practice questions complete with answers and explanations that will help you learn, drill, and review for the PMP certification exam.

The PMP Practice Questions Exam Cram 2
Radical Simplicity: Transforming Computers Into Me-centric Appliances
Radical Simplicity: Transforming Computers Into Me-centric Appliances

Imagine computers you can delegate to... computers that tell you things you want to know about ... adapt to your needs and preferences without being told ... work together on your behalf ... and respond to your voice, language, and gestures. It's all coming, sooner than you think -- and when it does, today's computers will be...

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms

For more than a quarter of a century, this amazingly comprehensive dictionary has been a standard international reference. Containing more than 115,000 terms and 125,000 definitions--from 100 areas of science and technology--this trusted resource provides definitions written in clear,...

Building Applications Using Ant 1.6
Building Applications Using Ant 1.6

Learn how to install, download, and run Ant. The book also describes various Ant data types, Ant tasks, Ant listeners and loggers, and Ant future versions.

Developing Applications Using Ant explains the Ant built tool. The book explains the need, design, and benefits...

Migrating from Exchange Server to qmail
Migrating from Exchange Server to qmail
This book provides a broad coverage of all the strategic and technical intricacies of migrating an existing Exchange server setup to run on GNU/Linux operating system, using qmail.

qmail is a robust Internet MTA for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. With an ever-increasing popularity of GNU/Linux as a server...

Java InstantCode: Developing Applications Using Java NIO
Java InstantCode: Developing Applications Using Java NIO
Learn about the New I/O (NIO) API introduced in J2SDK v 1.4 that provides new features and improved performance in the areas of polling, buffer management, character converters, and much more.

The InstantCode series is designed to provide you - the developer - with code you can use for common tasks in the workplace. The...

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