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Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (Voices That Matter)
Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (Voices That Matter)

What if your image could only communicate one thing: one major idea, overarching theme, or driving emotion? If you identified this, you’d discover your vision for that image—the internal, invisible guiding principle that directs both how you capture the image and how you develop it in the digital darkroom.


Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers (2nd Edition)
Talent Is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers (2nd Edition)

The best business guide for design professionals just got better! This revised and expanded second edition includes everything designers need—besides talent—to turn their artistic success into business success. You’ll find information on key issues facing designers from freelancing to managing...

InterACT with Web Standards: A holistic approach to web design (Voices That Matter)
InterACT with Web Standards: A holistic approach to web design (Voices That Matter)

Laying the foundation for a solid understanding of Web design, this book weaves together industry best practices and standards-based design techniques. It is built on practical examples and short exercises crafted to help readers learn quickly and retain information. Starting with the basics this book teaches:

Silverlight 4 in Action
Silverlight 4 in Action
Silverlight in Action, Revised Edition is a fast-paced, comprehensive tutorial that guides the reader from creating "Hello World" to coding production-quality, data-driven rich internet applications with graphics, audio, and video content. Written for a developer who already knows how to code in C#, this fluff-free book...
Spring Dynamic Modules in Action
Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

Java EE developers increasingly want to utilize OSGi to develop modular applications for component and service-based architectures. But tools required for OSGi implementation have been slow to develop. Spring Dynamic Modules (Spring DM) is a framework that simplifies the creation of component and service-oriented architectures with...

iPhone and iPad in Action
iPhone and iPad in Action

iPhone and iPad In Action, compiled by mobile software developer and blogger Brandon Trebitowski, simplifies existing iPhone topics while also updating them to account for the 3.4 SDK framework including iPad coverage. Beyond covering the basics of iPhone development, this edition also explores exciting topics such as the...

Psych Yourself Rich: Get the Mindset and Discipline You Need to Build Your Financial Life
Psych Yourself Rich: Get the Mindset and Discipline You Need to Build Your Financial Life

The arrival of this book and its message, I suspect, could not have been better timed. We’re more than two years into this great recession, and many of us are more confused than ever about our personal finances. With the financial and employment landscapes evolving before us, it’s difficult to return to the old, prescriptive...

Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria
Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria

Bacteria: How they keep you alive. How they can kill you. How we can all live together happily.


Bacteria are invisible, mysterious, deadly, self-sufficient…and absolutely essential for all life, including yours. No other living...

Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition

With over 3 Million users/developers, Spring Framework is the leading “out of the box” Java framework. Spring addresses and offers simple solutions for most aspects of your Java/Java EE application development, and guides you to use industry best practices to design and implement your applications.

The release of Spring...

Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4
Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4

Silverlight 4 has the potential to revolutionize the way we build business applications. With its flexibility, web deployment, cross-platform capabilities, rich .NET language support on the client, rich user interface control set, small runtime, and more, it comes close to the perfect platform in which to build business applications. It's...

Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers

Flash is one of the most engaging, innovative, and versatile technologies available—allowing the creation of anything from animated banners and simple cartoons to Rich Internet Applications, interactive videos, and dynamic user interfaces for web sites, kiosks, devices, or DVDs. The possibilities are endless, and now it just got...

Foundation Expression Blend 4 with Silverlight
Foundation Expression Blend 4 with Silverlight

Foundation Expression Blend 4 with Silverlight takes you through your first steps in creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) using the latest release of Microsoft’s technology. You’ll explore features such as custom user controls that you can reuse throughout your projects and the media element that allows you to...

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