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Windows XP: Visual QuickStart Guide
Windows XP: Visual QuickStart Guide
If you have Windows XP on your computer, you'll want Windows XP: Visual QuickStart Guide on your bookshelf-it's as simple as that. Even veteran Windows users will quickly discover that the changes in Windows XP go far beyond a radically redesigned interface. And to get the most out of this powerful new operating system-including all of its bundled...
Fit for Developing Software : Framework for Integrated Tests (Robert C. Martin)
Fit for Developing Software : Framework for Integrated Tests (Robert C. Martin)
The Fit open source testing framework brings unprecedented agility to the entire development process. Fit for Developing Software shows you how to use Fit to clarify business rules, express them with concrete examples, and organize the examples into test tables that drive testing throughout the software lifecycle. Using a...
C++ How to Program (5th Edition)
C++ How to Program (5th Edition)
Welcome to C++ and C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition! C++ is a world-class programming language for developing industrial-strength, high-performance computer applications. We believe that this book and its support materials have everything instructors and students need for an informative, interesting, challenging...
Apple Pro Training Series : Final Cut Pro 5
Apple Pro Training Series : Final Cut Pro 5
The scalability, performance and Emmy Award-winning workflow of Final Cut Pro 5 make it the first choice of professional editors everywhere. For those clamoring to get in on the action, this best-selling volume uses a series of class-length lessons designed to provide a strong foundation in all aspects of the digital video editing powerhouse....
WordPerfect 11 for Dummies
WordPerfect 11 for Dummies
This guide will teach you how to create professional looking documents using WordPerfect 11 by formatting documents, using templates, creating Web links, adding borders, and much more.

Remember when life was simple—you typed something, and it ended up on paper? Simplicity is back! This book tells you how to do what you want to...

Sams Teach Yourself Word 2003 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Word 2003 in 24 Hours
For readers who are new to Word 2003 and want to get up and running quickly, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2003 in 24 Hours will do the trick. This book includes shortcuts and ways to accomplish the most common tasks in Word. Readers are able to work at their own pace through the easily digestible, one-hour...
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)

This second edition of Java, Java, Java offers a robust, accessible, and flexible problem-solving perspective. The use of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams throughout the text, strongly emphasizes object-oriented design. This book assists students and professionals with their most challenging problem as beginning programmers:...

Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition)
Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition)
EnterpriseJavaBeans, 3rd edition, has been thoroughly revised to include complete coverage of three major changes in the EJB 2.0 specification: A new version of container-managed persistence; local interfaces; and a totally new kind of bean called the "message driven bean." The 3rd edition...
Java™ How to Program, Sixth Edition
Java™ How to Program, Sixth Edition
Extensively revised for the latest Java (J2SE 5.0) release; Deitel Java How to Program, 6/e now includes earlier coverage of objects; new and streamlined case studies; and OPTIONAL GUI and graphics sections.  Now available in a briefer version (ch. 1-10) called Small Java. SafariX version available.

Welcome to Java and Java How to
Powerhouse Partners : A Blueprint for Building Organizational Culture for Breakaway Results
Powerhouse Partners : A Blueprint for Building Organizational Culture for Breakaway Results
For any manager or executive committed to achieving business goals through effective strategic partnership, this book gathers successes of some of the world's leading companies to deliver a tool kit for shaping a partnering culture.

From the author who introduced the groundbreaking concept of Partnering Intelligence come the...

Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005
Learning SQL on SQL Server 2005

Anyone who interacts with today's modern databases needs to know SQL (Structured Query Language), the standard language for generating, manipulating, and retrieving database information. In recent years, the dramatic rise in the popularity of relational databases and multi-user databases has fueled a healthy demand for...

The Handbook of Information Systems Research
The Handbook of Information Systems Research
This book provides a fresh perspective on issues related to IS research by providing chapters from world-renowned leaders in IS research along with chapters from relative newcomers who bring some interesting and often new perspectives to IS research.

The field of information systems research is undergoing subtle changes as it seeks to...

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