 802.11 Security
802.11 Security covers the entire process of building secure 802.11-based wireless networks, in particular, the 802.11b ("Wi-Fi") specification. The authors provide detailed coverage of security issues unique to wireless networking, such as Wireless Access Points (WAP), bandwidth stealing, and the problematic Wired Equivalent... |  |  |  |  The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture
From the arid deserts of Tucson, Arizona to the icy forests of Poori, Finland to the tropical beaches of New South Wales, Australia to the urban jungle of downtown Manhattan, critics Alanna Stang and Christopher Hawthorne have traveled to the farthest reaches of the globe to find all that is new in the design of sustainable, or... |
 The Battle for Barrels: Peak Oil Myths & World Oil Futures
The Battle for Barrels demonstrates that the doom and gloom of the peak oil theory is mistaken. Duncan Clarke rebuts the arguments of peak oil’s adherents and discusses the issues they ignore—rising prices, new or future technologies, potential improved exploration, access to restricted world oil zones, changes in... |  |  Book of Numbers
This book, more than any other I’ve written up to this point in my life, was a labor of love. It allowed me to combine the knowledge and experience of two careers (over a decade in government and law enforcement, and close to another decade in the computer field, encompassing almost 20 years of working with computers as a hobbyist).When... |  |  Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook
"Cybercrime and cyber-terrorism represent a serious challenge to society as a whole." - Hans Christian Krüger, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Crime has been with us as long as laws have existed, and modern technology has given us a new type of criminal activity: cybercrime. Computer and... |
 Robotics Demystified
There's no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects
McGraw-Hill's Demystified titles are the most efficient, interestingly written, brush-ups you can find. Organized as self-teaching guides, they come complete with key points, background information, questions at the end of each... |  |  Robot Manipulator Control: Theory and Practice (Control Engineering, 15)
Discloses the elements of control theory and robot dynamics. Surveys computed-torque control, robust control of robotic manipulators, adaptive control of robotic manipulators, neural network control of robots, force control, and advanced control techniques. Includes information on designing and operating robotic platforms in discussing robot... |  |  CDMA RF System Engineering (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
Understand the essentials of CDMA wireless technology and develop the knowledge you need to design and operate either co-located AMPS and CDMA or dedicated CDMA systems with this unique reference. Drawing upon his recent experience in building the first major CDMA network in North America, the author helps you acquire the knowledge you need... |
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