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SQL Tuning
SQL Tuning
SQL Tuning author Dan Tow outlines a timesaving method he's developed for finding the optimum execution plan--rapidly and systematically--regardless of the complexity of the SQL or the database platform being used. You'll learn how to understand and control SQL execution plans and how to diagram SQL queries to...
Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6 for Windows : Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)
Pinnacle Liquid Edition 6 for Windows : Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)

Recipients of nine Emmy Awards for technical innovation, Pinnacle products have long been a favorite among professional broadcasters. Now, with Liquid Edition shipping on Alienware Systems new line of notebook computers (and capturing the top engineering award at the National Association of Broadcasters convention), the rest of...

Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics
Irresistible! Markets, Models, and Meta-Value in Consumer Electronics
The consumer electronics industry is entering an era of extraordinary growth. The industry’s best companies will ride that wave to unprecedented success. But, today, many CE companies are struggling with business models that are simply untenable. They must change to survive: they must change even more dramatically to win.


Macromedia Fireworks MX: Training from the Source
Macromedia Fireworks MX: Training from the Source
For expert, Macromedia-certified training on how to use Macromedia Fireworks MX to create Web pages, you'll want to head straight to the source. Macromedia Fireworks MX: Training from the Source includes 12 lessons and 16 hours of instruction designed to show you, step-by-step, how to create a Web site in Macromedia Fireworks MX. Over the course of...
Macromedia Studio MX 2004 : Training from the Source
Macromedia Studio MX 2004 : Training from the Source
Macromedia Studio MX 2004: Training from the Source provides a comprehensive, working introduction to the most powerful Web design and development suite available, Macromedia Studio MX. In this hands-on, project-based book for active learners, you'll get a solid overview of how you can use the integrated workflow...
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (3rd Edition) (Prentice Hall Software Series)
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (3rd Edition) (Prentice Hall Software Series)
The definitive, up-to-date introduction to operating systems:

Core principles plus hands-on examples with the new MINIX 3 operating system



Putting Your Small Business on the Web
Putting Your Small Business on the Web

Targeted for small business owners interested in how the Web can extend their business reach and profitability, this book explains how to create an online presence for an existing small business. Many business owners want to become part of the e-commerce revolution, but have unrealistic expectations that a Web site will instantly perform...

Professional Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
Combining tried-and-true CSS, XML, and JavaScript™ technologies, Ajax provides web developers with the ability to create more sophisticated and responsive user interfaces and break free from the "click-and-wait" standard that has dominated the web since its introduction.

This book discusses the range of request brokers...

Java Cookbook, Second Edition
Java Cookbook, Second Edition

Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition gets you to the heart of what you need to know when you need to know it. The completely revised and updated recipes in Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition cover all of the major APIs from Java 1.4 as well as the new 1.5 version. It includes...

Getting Started with Camera Raw : How to make better pictures using Photoshop and Photoshop Elements
Getting Started with Camera Raw : How to make better pictures using Photoshop and Photoshop Elements
Not long ago the Raw format was limited to high-end digital SLR cameraswhich meant you pretty much had to be a professional (or at least quite serious) photographer to take advantage of it. Not so today. Now that Raw is included on even the simplest point-and-shoot cameras, shutterbugs of all stripes can start taking advantage of its greater...
Mac OS X Help Line, Tiger Edition
Mac OS X Help Line, Tiger Edition
With every update, Mac OS X grows more powerful, more dependable, and easier to use--and Mac OS X Tiger is no exception. But along with the new features come fresh issues--new areas to troubleshoot, new functionality to unravel, and new glitches waiting to confound even the savviest Mac users. Not to worry. Best-selling author and Mac guru Ted...
Buliding N1™ Grid Solutions Preparing, Architecting, and Implementing Service-Centric Data Centers (Official Sun Microsystems Resource)
Buliding N1™ Grid Solutions Preparing, Architecting, and Implementing Service-Centric Data Centers (Official Sun Microsystems Resource)

The N1 Grid is Sun's vision, strategy, and architecture—and a set of products—that redefine the nature of data center computing. The N1 Grid architecture uses the network, physically and logically, as its fundamental organizing principle.

This book enables the reader to implement service-centric data center solutions through...

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