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Macromedia Flash MX: Training from the Source
Macromedia Flash MX: Training from the Source
With the introduction of Flash MX, the folks at Macromedia have transformed a pretty cool designer's tool for Web-based interaction into a full-fledged, professional-level application for developing sophisticated online content. Serious tools, however, typically require some serious instruction-and Flash MX is no exception. Luckily for you, there's...
Web Caching (O'Reilly Internet Series)
Web Caching (O'Reilly Internet Series)
A properly designed cache, by reducing network traffic and improving access times to popular web sites, is a boon to network administrators and web users alike. This book hands you all the technical information you need to design, deploy and operate an effective web caching service. It also covers the...
IRC Hacks
IRC Hacks
While IRC is easy to get into and many people are happy to use it without being aware of what's happening under the hood, there are those who hunger for more knowledge, and this book is for them. IRC Hacks is a collection of tips and tools that cover just about everything needed to become a true IRC master,...
Final Cut Pro HD Hands-On Training
Final Cut Pro HD Hands-On Training
As the first volume in Lynda Weinman's acclaimed HOT (Hands-On Training) series to cover Apple's video editing powerhouse, this is the guide you've been waiting for! In these pages, you'll find a series of hands-on tutorials that guide you through all stages of editing video with Final Cut Pro HD. As you follow the book's step-by-step instructions...
The Adobe Photoshop Elements Crafts Book
The Adobe Photoshop Elements Crafts Book

Millions of people own digital cameras, yet most of us just store our digital photos on a hard drive or email them to friends. But what if you want to get a little more creative with your images? Armed with little more than a copy of Photoshop Elements, a computer, an inkjet printer, and a handful of basic tools, you can...

Pinnacle Studio 10 for Windows : Visual QuickStart Guide
Pinnacle Studio 10 for Windows : Visual QuickStart Guide
Pinnacle Studio 10 is the latest version of the industry leading home video editing tool aimed at the Windows consumer market. In Pinnacle Studio 10 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide, veteran journalist and teacher Jan Ozer tackles Pinnacle Studio version 10 in classic and popular QuickStart style--with step-by-step instructions, plenty of...
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
Behind every web transaction lies the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) --- the language of web browsers and servers, of portals and search engines, of e-commerce and web services. Understanding HTTP is essential for practically all web-based programming, design, analysis, and administration.

While the basics of HTTP are elegantly
Six Sigma and Beyond:  Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
This volume addresses design improvement from the perspective of prevention by introducing readers to the tools of the Six Sigma design process, and discusses DFSS (DCOV), and provides linkages between the traditional DMAIC and the DFSS model.

In this volume of the Six Sigma and Beyond series, quality engineering expert D.H....

Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistics and Probability, Volume III
Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistics and Probability, Volume III
This text explains the tools of statistics and how to apply them effectively to improve processes and profitability in an organization, and also delineates the importance of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.

Researchers and professionals in all walks of life need to use the many tools offered by the statistical world, but...

Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistical Process Control, Volume IV
Six Sigma and Beyond: Statistical Process Control, Volume IV
This guide introduces the statistical process control (SPC) methodology for collecting data, arranging data in a chart or graph form, and interpreting the data to reduce variations in the process.


  • Provides an overview of SPC in very simple, easily understood terms
  • Reviews and explains traditional...
Solaris Operating Environment Boot Camp
Solaris Operating Environment Boot Camp
The aim of this book is not to be just another "Guide for System Administrators," but rather a workshop manual that describes the tasks that need to be performed to build a complex network using the standard components delivered with the system.

We present the chapters in the same chronological order that the system administrator...

Professional C# 2005 (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional C# 2005 (Wrox Professional Guides)
C# and .NET are set to revolutionize the way that you write programs. Updated for .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio® 2005, this bestselling book will give you the tools to program in C#, while also providing you with the necessary background in how the .NET architecture works.

You'll first explore the fundamentals of C#, including its...

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