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Java 3D Programming
Java 3D Programming
Guiding programmers through the important design and implementation phases of developing a successful Java 3D application, this reference provides guidance on whether to use Java 3D, user interface design, geometry creation, scene manipulation, or final optimizations. Distilling twelve months of using the Java 3D API for commercial projects,...
Mastering Windows XP Registry
Mastering Windows XP Registry
Expert Advice for Windows XP Power Users

Created for Windows power users and anyone who aspires to be one, Mastering Windows XP Registry provides focused, practical coverage of Windows’ most important—and most challenging—element: the registry. Inside, you’ll learn to customize Windows XP,...

Ajax For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Ajax For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Create Web applications that act like desktop ones

Brush up on JavaScript,® use free Ajax frameworks, and make your sites rock

What if shoppers at your online store could fill their carts without waiting for multiple page refreshes? What if searches produced instant results on the same page? With this book you won't have to...

Understanding the LINUX Kernel: From I/O Ports to Process Management
Understanding the LINUX Kernel: From I/O Ports to Process Management
Understanding the Linux Kernel helps readers understand how Linux performs best and how
it meets the challenge of different environments. The authors introduce each topic by
explaining its importance, and show how kernel operations relate to the utilities that are
familiar to Unix programmers and users.

The idea was to
Practical C++ Programming (Nutshell Handbook)
Practical C++ Programming (Nutshell Handbook)
This book is devoted to practical C++ programming. It teaches you not only the mechanics of
the language, but also style and debugging. The entire life cycle of a program is discussed,
including conception, design, writing, debugging, release, documentation, maintenance, and

Style is emphasized. Creating a good
Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
9 books in 1— your key to success with Java!

Your one-stop guide to the most-used language for application development

There's no question that Java is the popular kid on the block, and knowing Java will definitely boost your reputation as a developer. Here are all the Java essentials packed into one handy resource. Find out...

Network programming in .NET : C# & Visual Basic .NET
Network programming in .NET : C# & Visual Basic .NET
This book will help you develop network applications with .NET, using
either the C# or VB.NET programming language.

It covers everything you need to know about network programming in
.NET, from basic get-started information, to a huge selection of advanced
networking technologies that may have seemed like science
Beginning Visual Basic .NET Databases
Beginning Visual Basic .NET Databases
This book is for programmers with some basic experience of Visual Basic .NET, who want to begin
programming database applications.

It might be useful if you have some limited experience of Access, although this is not strictly necessary.
Note that this book is not an introduction to Visual Basic .NET. If you are completely new
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex
You're no idiot, of course! You know there's more to sex than the missionary position, that oral sex doesn't mean talking about sex, and that safe sex doesn't mean doing it in a bank vault. But when it comes to having a truly amazing sexual encounter, you feel like there's just no sizzle in your sex life. You can make things hot! The Complete...
Beginning Unix (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Unix (Programmer to Programmer)
The Unix operating system is the basis for some of today's most-used platforms, including Mac OS® X and Linux®. This book covers Unix basics for these as well as the more commonly recognized Sun Solaris and BSD.

First, you will learn Unix terminology, core concepts, methodology, and how to log in...

Beginning JavaServer Pages
Beginning JavaServer Pages
JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a cross-platform language that generates dynamic Web pages and uses XML-like tags written in Java to create content. With its latest release, version 2.0, JSP has become an even more powerful tool that beginners often find challenging to learn. This book provides you with an accessible introduction to JSP.

Packed with...

Beginning MySQL (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning MySQL (Programmer to Programmer)
As the most popular open source database system in the world, MySQL boasts ease of implementation, minimal overhead, consistent reliability, and low total cost of ownership. This hands-on resource offers you a complete look at MySQL and explains how to implement MySQL and access MySQL with various programming languages.

Using a task-oriented...

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