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Sams Teach Yourself iPad Application Development in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours)
Sams Teach Yourself iPad Application Development in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours)

“It’s just a big iPod Touch.”

Few words have puzzled me more during the weeks leading up to the iPad launch. Let’s break down exactly what it means to be a “big iPod Touch.”

First, it means a large, bright, colorful display, coupled with an amazingly thin enclosure and amazing battery...

Animating with Stop Motion Pro
Animating with Stop Motion Pro

This book is designed to explore the history and technique of stop motion animation. The software is secondary and is in fact so easy to use and ingenious that it allows you to concentrate on the art instead of the technology. You will need to use a computer, a camera, and connectors, so let’s get these issues out of the way so we can...

The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference
The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference

These are the proceedings of the Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling, held in Delft (The Netherlands) on November 9 and 10, 2010. It followed the success of PoEM 2008 and 2009 (both held in Stockholm), which each attracted over 50 participants from all over the world, representing both industry and...

AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Australasian Joint Conference, Adelaide, Australia, December 7-10, 2010. Proceedings
AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Australasian Joint Conference, Adelaide, Australia, December 7-10, 2010. Proceedings

This volume contains papers presented at AI 2010, the 23rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence held December 7–10, 2010 in Adelaide, South Australia. The Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence has a long history and has established itself as the premier event for artificial intelligence researchers...

jQuery Pocket Reference
jQuery Pocket Reference

"As someone who uses jQuery on a regular basis, it was surprising to discover how much of the library I’m not using. This book is indispensable for anyone who is serious about using jQuery for non-trivial applications." -- Raffaele Cecco, longtime developer of video games, including Cybernoid, Exolon, and...

Sams Teach Yourself Google Places in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)
Sams Teach Yourself Google Places in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)

Sams Teach Yourself Google Places in 10 Minutes

 Sams Teach Yourself Google Places in 10 Minutes gives you straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through its 10-minute lessons, you’ll learn how to claim your free Google Places business...

Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)
Sams Teach Yourself iPad in 10 Minutes (Sams Teach Yourself -- Minutes)

Sams Teach Yourself iPad™ in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. By working through 10-minute lessons, you’ll learn everything you need to use your iPad to get online, get apps, use the Web, manage email, use maps, books, photos, music,...

Ext GWT 2.0: Beginner's Guide
Ext GWT 2.0: Beginner's Guide

Ext GWT 2.0: Beginner's Guide is a practical book that teaches you how to use the Ext GWT library to its full potential. It provides a thorough, no-nonsense explanation of the Ext GWT library, what it offers, and how to use it through practical examples. This book provides clear, step-by-step instructions for getting the most out of Ext...

Pivot Table Data Crunching: Microsoft Excel 2010 (MrExcel Library)
Pivot Table Data Crunching: Microsoft Excel 2010 (MrExcel Library)

PivotTables may be Excel's most powerful feature, but Microsoft has estimated that only 15% of Excel users take advantage of them. That's because PivotTables (and their companion feature, PivotCharts) have a reputation for being difficult to learn. Not any more! In this book, Excel legends Bill Jelen...

See MIPS Run (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)
See MIPS Run (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)

The versatile offspring of an extended family of multiple chip companies, today's MIPS chips are everywhere. They power everything from videogames, network routers, laser printers, set-top boxes, and high-performance workstations. This book brings together this extraordinary proliferation of form and functionality, offering embedded...

Best iPad Apps: The Guide for Discriminating Downloaders (Best Apps)
Best iPad Apps: The Guide for Discriminating Downloaders (Best Apps)

Even before the poor thing had shipped, naysayers had their fun with it: the iPad’s nothing more than an oversized iPhone. But now that we’ve all gotten are fingers on these silver-and-black beauties, this much is clear: where the iPhone’s great for the little things in life—killing boredom, local lookups, and, you...

The Facebook Marketing Book
The Facebook Marketing Book

Originally a network for select college students, Facebook first expanded into high schools, then larger networks, collecting students and colleagues across the country and, eventually, the world. Now you can not only identify your romantic partner and growing circle of friends, but also your parents and siblings. Your mom is on...

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