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Interior Lighting, Fourth Edition
Interior Lighting, Fourth Edition

The inspired illumination of any given space can amplify its aesthetic impact and take it from the pedestrian to the sublime. And, for years, this excellent reference has guided architects and designers in the achievement of lighting artistry. Enhanced with more than one hundred new illustrations, Interior Lighting for Designers, 4th...

Business Without Borders: A Strategic Guide to Global Marketing
Business Without Borders: A Strategic Guide to Global Marketing

Praise for Business Without Borders

"Don DePalma has provided us with the most comprehensive guide for corporations to compete in the era of globalization. Business Without Borders is an outstanding contribution to managing in the global era, with practical information on the skills and knowledge needed to become an effective...

Training Your Brain For Dummies
Training Your Brain For Dummies

Mastering the latest fitness craze-keeping your brain healthy at any age

Judging from the worldwide popularity of the brain game, Nintendo DS, and such mind-bending puzzles as SuDoku and KenKen®, keeping one's mind as limber as an Olympic athlete is an international obsession. With forecasters predicting over a million...

Project Arcade: Build Your Own Arcade Machine.
Project Arcade: Build Your Own Arcade Machine.

The bestseller returns—completely updated to include the newest hardware, software, and techniques for building your own arcade

Interest in classical arcade games remains on the rise, and with a little money, older computer hardware, and a little effort, you can relive your arcade experiences by building your own...

Professional Windows 7 Development Guide (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Windows 7 Development Guide (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Everything you need to immediately get the most from Windows 7

This essential and unique book delves into the various elements that Microsoft fixed from Vista and investigates the new features that Microsoft added in response to user requests. Veteran author John Paul Mueller shows you how to work with security policies as well as...

Mint.com For Dummies
Mint.com For Dummies

Get empowered and take control of your personal finances with Mint.com!

Mint.com is a free Web-based personal financial management service that helps you set up your day-to-day finances and track bank, credit card, investment, and loan transactions through a single Web site that is accessible anytime, anywhere in the world...

Flip Video For Dummies
Flip Video For Dummies

The full-color guide to shooting great video with the Flip Video camera

The inexpensive Flip Video camera is currently one of the hottest must-have gadgets. It's portable and connects easily to any computer to transfer video you shoot onto your PC or Mac. Although the Flip Video camera comes with a quick-start...

Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies (For Dummies (Health & Fitness))
Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies (For Dummies (Health & Fitness))

Practical, hands-on information for fathers-to-be

When it comes to pregnancy, dads' roles have changed so much in the past few decades that expectant fathers don't always know where to turn to for guidance and advice on this milestone event. Now they do!

Dad's Guide to Pregnancy For Dummies is...

Energy and Climate: How to achieve a successful energy transition
Energy and Climate: How to achieve a successful energy transition

Despite global concerns over dwindling resources, climate change and carbon dioxide emissions, fossil fuels still account for more than 80% of the world’s energy demands. As resources diminish and demand increases from rapidly developing nations such as China and India, the threat to both our environment and the security of our energy...

iPhone For Dummies: Includes iPhone 4
iPhone For Dummies: Includes iPhone 4

The full-color guide to getting the most out of your iPhone

Completely updated and revised throughout, this full-color guide covers Apple's new iPhone and iOS 4. Bestselling veteran authors Baig and LeVitus introduce you to the capabilities of the iPhone whether you're making phone calls, browsing the Internet,...

Lighting Digital Field Guide
Lighting Digital Field Guide

Essential lighting guide for users of compact cameras and dSLRs

One of the most important aspects of photography is lighting, but getting the lighting right is tricky.  When should you use flash? Are a camera’s automatic settings dependable? Should you use reflectors or diffusers and where do you place them? This handy,...

The Secrets of College Success (Professors' Guide)
The Secrets of College Success (Professors' Guide)

If you’re currently a college student, or plan on being one, you need to check out this book. Written by award-winning professors Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman, it’s loaded with insider information that only professors know--but few are willing to reveal. The over 600 tips in this book will show you:

  • How to pick...
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