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Microsoft  SQL Server(TM) 2000 Reporting Services Step by Step
Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2000 Reporting Services Step by Step
Microsoft Reporting Services is the newest component of Microsoft SQL Server
2000 that adds a server-based reporting solution to the Microsoft business intelligence
framework. The goal of this book is to guide you through the installation
of Reporting Services and through each stage of the reporting life cycle so
that you can
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 For Dummies
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 For Dummies

Check out enhanced security, Integration Services, Reporting Services, and more

What's new in SQL Server 2005? Plenty, and this guide will help make it all clear! You'll get the rundown on how to create databases, create queries using the traditional Transact-SQL language, work with the Common Language Runtime, use the new user...

SQL Functions Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
SQL Functions Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)
SQL functions are special commands for manipulating data. The international SQL standard defines many functions implemented by all major RDBMS vendors. This comprehensive SQL functions reference enables you to quickly master SQL function data manipulation in any database.

First, the book presents the basics you need to use standard SQL...

A Programmer's Guide to ADO .NET in C#
A Programmer's Guide to ADO .NET in C#
This is the book on ADO.NET. ADO.NET is the latest database technology from
Microsoft and represents the most powerful way to manipulate a database to date. A
Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C# begins by taking readers through an overview of
C# and then delves into ADO.NET. Author Mahesh Chand provides details on each of
Effective IT Project Management: Using Teams to Get Projects Completed on Time and Under Budget
Effective IT Project Management: Using Teams to Get Projects Completed on Time and Under Budget
As an IT manager you face innumerable problems and projects
with incredible pressure to finish them on time and
under budget.

More and more IT managers are realizing that project management
processes can help them address these problems.
The project life cycle is one such process.

The project life cycle, or
Perl for System Administration : Managing multi-platform environments with Perl
Perl for System Administration : Managing multi-platform environments with Perl
Some people plan to become administrators. The rest of us are thrust into it: we are webmasters, hobbyists, or just the default "technical people" on staff who are expected to keep things running. After some stumbling around repeating the same steps over and over again (and occasionally paying the price when we forget one), we realize...
Programming Perl (2nd Edition)
Programming Perl (2nd Edition)
Programming Perl, 2nd Edition is the authoritative guide to Perl version 5, the scripting utility that has established itself as the programming tool of choice for the World Wide Web, UNIX system administration, and a vast range of other applications. Version 5 of Perl includes object-oriented...
Ant: The Definitive Guide
Ant: The Definitive Guide
Ant is the premiere build management tool for use in Java environments. Unlike traditional build management tools such as GNU Make, Ant is itself written in Java, is platform independent, and interfaces well with the utilities in Sun's Java software development kit (SDK). In addition to being platform independent, Ant is also independent of the...
Beginning SQL Server2005 Programming  (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning SQL Server2005 Programming (Programmer to Programmer)
Covering all the fundamentals of SQL Server 2005, this developer-oriented guide begins with an exploration of the foundation objects of SQL. Each chapter builds on the previous one, gradually progressing to increasingly advanced topics. By the time you've completed this book, you will be prepared to perform as an efficient SQL Server 2005...
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers
An engineer’s guide to numerical analysis

To properly function in today’s work environment, engineers require a working familiarity with numerical analysis. This book provides that necessary background, striking a balance between analytical rigor and an applied approach focusing on methods particular to the solving of engineering...

Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring Leadership Continuity And Building Talent From Within
Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring Leadership Continuity And Building Talent From Within
If you're looking for a quick, easy, and fun guide to constantly cultivating from within your organization the talent to move up and fill positions left behind by others, don't look here. Written by a human resources expert who teaches at Penn State, Effective Succession Planning must surely be one of the driest books ever written on this...
Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK
Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK
Understanding digital signal processors made easy through programming examples and project application

This text enables students of electrical and computer engineering to grasp and apply the principles of digital signal processing (DSP) through real-time implementation of experiments and projects. The author, internationally respected for...

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