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Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Edition
Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Edition
Combining simplicity with power, Java has become the object-oriented language of choice for Internet programming and cross-platform applications. This comprehensive and easy-to-use guide provides you with the essential information you'll need to know in order to develop dynamic programs using the Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 or later.

You'll be...

Project Management
Project Management

Everything You Need to Help Your Company­­ and Your Career ­­as a Successful Project Manager

Effective project management is valuable in any field­­and will enhance your career at every level! Project Management provides a step-by-step, all-inclusive introduction to the tools and...

PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide
PMP: Project Management Professional Study Guide
Here's the book you need to prepare for the PMP exam sponsored by the Project Management Institute. This Sybex Study Guide provides:

Full coverage of every exam objective Clear explanations and practical insights from an expert project manager Hundreds of challenging review questions, in the book and on the CD Leading-edge exam preparation...

Java & XML, 2nd Edition: Solutions to Real-World Problems
Java & XML, 2nd Edition: Solutions to Real-World Problems

While the XML "buzz" still dominates talk among Internet developers, the critical need is for information that cuts through the hype and lets Java programmers put XML to work. Java & XML shows how to use the APIs, tools, and tricks of XML to build real-world applications, with the end result that both the data and the...

Wrox's SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit (Programmer to Programmer)
Wrox's SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit (Programmer to Programmer)

You'll learn the basics of working with SSE databases, and see how the Visual Basic® 2005 Express Edition programming environment is tailored to work well with SSE. Step-by-step examples cover major scenarios that you're likely to face, from installation and development to debugging and deployment. Plus, the CD-ROM features both VB Express...

Integrating Linux and Windows
Integrating Linux and Windows
The complete solutions guide for every Linux/Windows system administrator!
This complete Linux/Windows integration guide offers detailed coverage of dualboot
issues, data compatibility, and networking. It also handles topics such as
implementing Samba file/print services for Windows workstations and providing
Mastering JavaServer Faces (Java)
Mastering JavaServer Faces (Java)
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is an exciting new technology that will change the way
we build user interfaces for Java 2 Enterprise Edition applications. With the
introduction of JSF, we can finally create user interfaces simply with a set of
reusable components. And with a component-based framework, Web applications
are finally on a
XML Programming Bible
XML Programming Bible
If XML can do it, you can do it too...

Here, at last, is a single reference that covers both Microsoft .NET and Java programming integration with XML. It will have you up and running quickly with a solid grounding in the most recent core and related specifications, then provide you with essential details for managing databases, financial...

Network Security Bible
Network Security Bible
If you need a solid foundation in network security, this is it

Here at last is a comprehensive, focused guide that covers network security from applications to zip files. You'll learn network security principles and best practices, how to apply measures appropriate to various systems, how to identify and respond to an intrusion, and how
Sams Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours, Second Edition is a tutorial aimed at making the Linux beginner more effective and productive users of the fastest-growing operating system today - Linux. This book gives the reader step-by-step instructions on how to: install the operating system, configure their hardware, and effectively use the tools that...
Beginning Visual C# 2005 (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Beginning Visual C# 2005 (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Creating next-generation software and applications is now easier than ever with the release of Visual C# 2005. This accessible book guides you through all aspects of C# programming and the capabilities of Visual Studio® 2005 so that you can begin developing customized applications.

You'll first learn all aspects of the C# language, from the...

Cisco Access Control Security : AAA Administration Services
Cisco Access Control Security : AAA Administration Services

This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

Hands-on techniques for enabling authentication, authorization, and

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